Author: Portfolioso

What I Do Instead of Homework: Mobile Blog Theme

These days, everyone is browsing the web from their phones (except me – I don’t even text. Me of all people – the tech guy. You weren’t expecting that one. Anyway…) So at 1:45AM on a Monday morning when I have lots of work due at 11AM, what do I spend my time on? Making my blog mobile browser friendly! Read on for geek details (or don’t if you don’t get it or care to get it.)

I came across a WordPress plugin that sniffs the user agent of the browser. If it is a mobile browser, it will switch the theme to something that displays well for mobile phone users. Take a look:

March Madness Bracket

This is an absolute joke because I don’t know anything about NCAA college basketball. But because everyone else is doing it, here is my bracket

Click for bracket

Collapsible Archives Problem

There was a problem with my collapsible archive WordPress where it would not expand. I’m working on it while sitting in my systems dev class. Hopefully, I can get it resolved soon. I’ll post an update when I’m done (no guarantee I can finish it in class).

Edit 5:45PM: Fixed Seems to be a problem with the javascript library for animation. I turned animation off and it’s all set.


If I were the Dow Jones Industrial right now, I’d be up 950 points. Even though it’s been a recession for me, I see the end, (and I’m not talking about the world economy – that’s probably still fucked.) Now let’s just hope I can move this in the right direction. Take a crap, love, Portfolioso.


Leave Me Comments (Site Improvements)

I was over at Dan’s and told him to add a comment on one of my posts, and he had now idea that people were allowed to comment. That’s because everyone is caught up on the homepage and no one bothers to look at my blog, which supports comments. I have posts going back to 2003, people – not just what is on the front page. It’s because I separate my blog from my main website and dump the last post from the database. But anyway, if you look at the bottom of this post, I added a link that takes you to the related comment posting area for the post. Have fun. Oh, and don’t bother spamming me – I have a CAPTCHA.

Edit: Now added a comment count on the front page, rather than just a “leave comment” link. So it will now display: No comments, 1 comment, 2 comments, etc… Yay for PHP, SQL, and someone who has no life. Actually, it’s called snowy spring break and I can’t go bike riding because it’s 20 degrees and the path is covered in snow.