Author: Portfolioso

Why Can’t We All Just Be Content?

I just do not understand people, or maybe even myself. One thing I learned in the past few months is that no one can be genuinely happy or satisfied with anything in life. People always want more, more, more. And this “condition,” as I’ll call it, can range from being very minor to very severe. It fascinates me to look around and see different examples of this.

Say you apply to something (it doesn’t matter what it is) and don’t get in. Chances are, you’d be very upset. OK, so it’s not the end of the world considering there are people who have no family, people on the streets, people starving, people dying of disease, etc – and many of us should be grateful we are not affected by those misfortunes. But you’d still be upset. Or perhaps you did get in, an noticed a group of others who did not. Maybe you would ask yourself, “I wonder what makes me better than they are?” Say you do get in, and now that you’re in, the next step didn’t go as expected, and you’re miserable. This translates to you initially getting your way and being happy for a little while, but still being upset in the end. Yet if you didn’t get your way to begin with (not getting in), you’d still be upset. “I don’t know” – people say this all the time. And every time someone says that around me, I’ll always respond with “What don’t you know?” Yes, it sounds silly, but there has to be a cause of some uncertainty.

Everyone is different. I look at some people and I think to myself “Damn, they have it rough, I feel bad for them,” yet they are completely fine with the way life is treating them. Or, I look at other people and say “They have it all, why can’t I be more like that” but they feel as if something is missing and are still out there looking for more. Then I think back to myself: “At this point if I figure out my missing piece and fill that void, I would be completely happy.” Or would I? At this instant, it would seem like I would be ecstatic, but would there be more complications that could lead to further dissatisfaction? Does this ever stop? If these expectations keep increasing and no one becomes content, what next? I’m sure there are many people who would be completely happy to be in my current position. So do I just stop trying to overachieve?

The SAW series of movies are brilliant. The simple minded do not see past the blood, gore and violence, but there is a brilliant message in each of those movies. Jigsaw didn’t set people up to kill them or torture them, but rather help them realize their weaknesses and issues, and try to make them become grateful for what they have. Maybe people in real life need some kind of awakening to make them open their eyes a little more.

Welcome to 2.0

Welcome to the newly redesigned The general purpose of this website is to provide useful information regarding technology and life in general. Some key features include my blog, and other useful programs or utilities that may come in handy.

I decided to separate the blog from the main portion of my site for numerous reasons. As a college student, I do not have as much free time to frequently update a blog, and it is unfair to frequent visitors to not receive updates. I will still continue writing, but it will be a separate wordpress blog and have a different layout, mostly because I do not have the time or energy to integrate it with this new layout.

I hope you find the contents of this site useful and entertaining. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments concerns or you would like to see something on this website that does not currently exist. Also, if you find any bugs or glitches on the new website, I’d like to correct them, so let me know.

Portfolioso 2.0 Coming Soon

I am in the middle of a complete layout redesign. The layout is done, and I’m just doing backend database work to try and integrate these posts to the front page, and convert present content from the old layout to the new layout. There are a few changes in store for the site: it will comply with web standards (XHTML 1.0 Strict), I’m dropping the forums because no one goes there, I’m dropping the image gallery because there is no point of it, and I’m moving the blog to its own section (with the latest post on the front page). Hopefully, the site will have a Web 2.0 look and feel to it. It might be a little less green than what you’re used to, but hey, we need a change – it’s been the same since 2003

The transition is expected to occur sometime in early June, or whenever I finish. Since I’m home from school, I’m working on this at night when I’m home. I’ll also be working, so that may slow things down a bit. No worries, everything will turn out well

Sue Me

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Apparently, this string of hex is higly illegal because it’s the decryption key for HD DVD…

George W. Bush Ruined Our Computers

While he may have thought it was a great idea to push daylight savings time back a few weeks, he didn’t realize that computers think that it switches at the end of the month. So yeah, Microsoft has to release an update, and administrators have been flipping out over the past months preparing.

Thanks a lot for this genius plan, I doubt it will save that much energy, so go roll around in Dick Cheney’s oil and learn about technology.