Author: Portfolioso

Bad News: uTorrent Merges With BitTorrent

This is awful: The developer of uTorrent, Ludvig Strigeus has sold himself out to BitTorrent. uTorrent used to be the best torrent client ever.

Why is this bad? BitTorrent has a big deal with Warner Brothers and the MPAA. Therefore, this could mean that future versions of uTorrent could be slapped with tracking, DRM, ads, and corporate bloatware.

I hope the developer made a lot of money on this deal, because he pissed off the entire uTorrent community. He is a friggin’ sell out who is not interested in his project, but rather money. If I were the developer of this project, I would not sell out the best thing ever to the greedy corporations. I hate huge power hungry corporations that control the United States. According to a FAQ answered by Lude in an IRC chat, he will not be developing this program anymore and all future versions will be maintained by Bram Cohen of BitTorrent. The original BitTorrent client SUCKS and this will now cause uTorrent to suck. Supposedly, the client will remain the same (for a while – whatever that means) until it gets ruined. DO NOT update your versions of uTorrent and stick with what you have.

This is a great quote from a user on the uTorrent forums:

Fact: uTorrent became popular because it was an independently developed, light weight, feature-rich BT client.
Fact: The mainline BT client is none of these things. It sucks horribly.
Fact: uTorrent is now owned by the same folks who own BT.
Fact: uTorrent will be merged with BT, making it suck, too.
Fact: The folks who own BT are publicly allied with a group of greedy pirates, the MPAA.
Fact: The MPAA and its ilk are decidedly unfriendly toward the public at large, even though they engage in the same practices they legally prosecute.
Fact: uTorrent has been placed in the position where it will be altered to suit the needs of people who do not have the best interests of uTorrent’s primary user base at heart.

So what could we do? Well Azureus kind of sucks because it’s slow Java and they partnered with Zuego for legal video sharing… There’s really not much that could be done. So BitTorrent useres are screwed. I’m sticking with uTorrent 1.6, the last version developed by lude himself and will not be downloading any future releases.

Very sad day…

Borat Soundboard

I decided to take some clips from Borat’s movie and create a soundboard with many well known Borat expressions. Enjoy and send me your prank calls. Unfortunately I have no idea how to work with flash, so I made a program out of it. The only drawbacks are the huge file size (embedded wavs) and it only works on Windows.

Download (11.7MB)

This is an image and it will not work on the website. You’ll have to download it and run it. (Yes it’s an exe, but I promise it’s safe)

Edit: Version 2.0 released –> More sounds, smaller file size and I also fixed some distorted sounds. Have Fun.



Fake Virus Stupidity

I am sick and tired of deleting fake, annoying email rumors that stupid ignorant people blindly forward to others. Some moron with a big imagination writes some dumb email that makes no sense at all if read carefully. Other morons believe and chain-forward it to everyone. Save yourself some time – don’t forward me your crap. Also save me time from deleting it, getting enraged, raising my blood pressure and



Be alert during the next few days: Don’t open any message with an attached file called “Invitation”, regardless of who sent it. It’s a virus that opens an Olympic Torch that “burns” the whole hard disk of your computer. This virus will come from someone who has your e-mail address; that’s why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It’s better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus

DON’T open it and shut down your computer immediately … This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it’s been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. The virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there’s no repair yet for this particular virus. It simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disk, where vital information is kept.

Also:- Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it! This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe. Don’t be inconsiderate; send this warning to whomever you know. If you get an email along the lines of “Osama Bin Laden Captured” or “Osama Hanged” don’t open the attachment.


1) CNN doesn’t know anything about any virus

2) Does it literally “burn” your disk? What does it do, set it on fire or something?

3) Microsoft doesn’t classify viruses

4) it wasn’t discovered by McAffee yesterday because I have been getting this email for 3 weeks, and it’s been around since 2001.

5) “It’s better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus” No it’s better to shut the f*** up and stop spamming my inbox.

6) “Don’t open it and shut down your computer immediately” Oh no! I got an email. Looks like i have to turn my computer off now. because even if i didn’t open it, the email told me to shut down my computer. Go kill yourself.

7) What the hell is sector Zero? I’d say it’s…… Nothing! It’s made up bullshit.

8) “the moment you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!” Simply opening an email will not suddenly crash your computer. An email is a text or html rendered message. If you download an attachment and run it, you could get a virus, but by opening an email, nothing will happen.

9) Anyone who believes this needs to have their computer smashed over their ignorant skull.

10) I’m even more disturbed that the Chief engineer for some company sent this out to all employees. Chief engineer of “spread fake nonsense around”

11) The message itself is a “social” virus, because it is spreading by ignorant people.

EDIT: I tagged this post as malware, because it represents a human social stupidity virus. It’s bad for me to read and enrages me. So it’s malware.
Please refer back to my other rand on the same thing:

Facebook Privacy

It’s been a while since my last post because I am busy and don’t have much time anymore, but I think it is very important to review some Facebook privacy settings with everyone now that it has been opened up to the world. That’s right. Now anyone can sign up with a Facebook and search for you, which is not good). Therefore, I recommend changing the following privacy settings:

On the main Facebook navigation on the left of the page, click the My Privacy button:

Only Allow High School and College Students to search for you

With Facebook open to EVERYONE, you don’t want random stalkers or parents searching for your name. By changing the following options, only those in High School networks and College Networks will find your profile if they type it into search (just like the old Facebook). This does not mean that these people could view your profile, but they will see that one exists and could look at your friends, message you or friend request you. We don’t want this – if some random 45 year old guy makes a Facebook profile, the last thing you want is him searching for your name. If you change these settings and he searches for “Kim Jones” no results will be found, but if College people or High School networks search, “Kim Jones” would be displayed in the results.

On the Privacy Page, look for this option, then click edit settings.

Stop the Annoying Stalker News Feed

Are you sick of seeing that your friend Bob Jones wrote on Mary’s wall? Who the hell is Mary and why do I care? Facebook’s news feed is very annoying and whenever you do anything on Facebook, it will notify all of your friends in the News Feed. You can disable this feed by changing the following options:

On the main Facebook navigation on the left of the page, click the My Privacy button:


This stuff helps. Remember to be smart on Facebook – anyone can see what you’re doing. Colleges have habits of making fake student email addresses, just so faculty can take a look at student profiles. If this scares you, You can further change your privacy settings to allow only friends to see your profile.

Facebook Notes

Facebook added a feature called notes where you can post something like a blog on your profile. It also includes with an RSS fetcher (which you probably never heard of). Simply put, I can write posts on my website and then Facebook takes the posts from my site and automatically adds them to the wall of notes. Since no one reads my website anymore, the posts will spread out more and people might just notice.