Author: Portfolioso
Asshole Trump’s China Tariffs Are Costing Me More Money And I Have Proof
Donald J. Trump, an orange buffoon, is directly responsible for making all of my reasonably-priced goods that I enjoy buying from China more expensive with his full of shit “trade war.” I bought a ton of stuff for my new place last September when I moved. Many of these items were either made in China or contained imported Chinese components. Here’s how the prices changed as of this writing:
Today’s price: $15.99 [link]| Up 14.3%
Today’s price: $49.99 [link]| Up 42.83%
Today’s Price: $16.95 [link] | Up 13.4%
Today’s Price: $25.95 -8%(-2.08) coupon = $23.87 [link] | Up 40%
Take my word for it, I can find 10 more, but you get the point… So until someone can make a better quality, cheaper version of these with good ole’ US of A ‘Murrican components, I want my lower price back and end this idiotic tax / trade war.
Seven “Affordable” Apartments Available in Astoria: 1BR Start at $2,000/Month
Astoria Post -The latest affordable housing lottery has opened in Astoria and seven apartments in a 23-unit building are now on offer. The seven apartments, located at 30-68 38th St., are comprised of three one-bedroom and four two-bedroom units. The one-bedroom units are priced at $2,000 a month and are available for household sizes of up to two people. The minimum income to qualify begins at $68,572 and goes up to $100,200. The two-bedroom affordable apartments will rent for $2,400 and are available for household sizes between two and four people. An annual household income starting at $82,286 and going up to $125,160 is required to qualifydepending on family size.
…Or you can leave that cesspool of a city, not deal with piles of garbage overflowing on the streets, bums, and a crumbling public transit system and buy an entire goddamn house instead. Ya know, not live like a savage. Not making six figure income and spending all of it to live in a Fyre Festival tent.
Let me get this straight. Your household income can be up to $125,160 and they’re basically saying you’re a poor person who’s eligible for “affordable” housing – a 2 bedroom apartment for $2,400/month. And there are only FOUR available. Guess what. You’re not getting it, and those same units are probably >$3000/month if you don’t qualify. What a JOKE. You have to have rocks in your head to deal with this kind of shit.
Do yourself a favor and live anywhere else. Your quality of life will improve 1000%. Mine did.
Have 49 Tarrant County Texas Republicans Lost Their Goddamned, Ignorant, Hick-Assed Minds?
Texas Tribune – County party officials overwhelmingly rejected attempts to remove Shahid Shafi because he’s Muslim. The 139-49 vote in his favor came after the state’s top Republican officials denounced the failed move to oust the trauma surgeon.
^^ Good!
We don’t think that he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable in the U.S., in Tarrant County, and in the TCGOP, and there are big questions surrounding where Dr. Shafi’s loyalties lie, vis a vis Democrat and Republican policies, she wrote in one of several Facebook posts dedicated to the topic.
^^So they think that because he’s Muslim, he’s a secret Democrat? Not all Republicans think Islam is safe? THE FUCK? Islam is a peaceful religion.
Star Telegram -Some Republicans who say it’s time they take our party back are pushing to remove a top Tarrant County GOP official [Dr. Shahid Shafi] because he’s Muslim. Please explain to me … why we need a Muslim in the SREC in Tarrant County! There are no Conservative Muslims or Moderate ones! Republican Vicky Underhill posted on theRepublican Women of ArlingtonFacebook page.
Daily News – Precinct chairwoman Debbie O’Brien has been outspoken about efforts to recall Shafi on social media. We don’t think that he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable in the U.S., in Tarrant County, and in the TCGOP, and there are big questions surrounding where Dr. Shafi’s loyalties lie, vis a vis Democrat and Republican policies, she wrote in one of several Facebook posts dedicated to the topic.
^^ WAT?
You already see it in the workplace where Muslims demand they’re able to wear their hijab and demand they get a prayer room, Former Tarrant County precinct chair Sara Legvold said. When was the last time a Christian was allowed to have a separate place to say their prayers?”
^^^WTF? Why does any of that matter? These holier-than-thou “Christians” are going around persecuting Muslims for no reason! That is not what Jesus would do, idiots. Hey Sara! If Christianity is so important to you, go ask your employer for prayer breaks and say the rosary during work every day. If your employer denies you, cry out for religious discrimination. Can your believe this IDIOT white lady actually wore a Burka to prove that there is an Islamization of America. For serious? Go do something else with your life. Christsake.
Good for everyone who stood up for this man! The Governor even know’s what’s up: “The promise of freedom of religion is guaranteed by the first amendment in the Constitution; and Article 1, Section 4 of the Texas Constitution states that no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust in this state”
These 49 intolerant people are fucking abominations who need to kill themselves. America is a country founded on the principles of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Do these people not understand the United States Constitution?!?! These ignorant fucks are trying to remove a man from office because of his religious beliefs? Are they outside their fucking minds?
The 49 people who voted to remove him should be deported and dumped onto the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to start their own idiotic country, because they are un-American. If they were actually educated, they’d realize that Islam is a peaceful religion. Yeah, there are a few radicals here and there, and Islam as a religion DENOUNCES that bad behavior. You can’t judge an entire religion on a bunch that have gone rogue. You can throw “I did X in the name of religion Y” around all you want. If you’re a good person who’s nice and doing good things, you’re good. If you’re a shitty person doing awful things, you’re bad – simple as that.
These 49 people brought about bad attention to the already batshit crazy Republican party. Love em or hate em, the majority of Republicans involved actually thought this sort of discrimination was a bad move. Why go after a religious group? That’s only going to hurt them. Are they brain damaged?Here’s my problem with America… It shouldn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican to realize this is wrong. Don’t like Muslims? Shut your whore mouth and keep it inside your own ignorant head.
Here’s some solid advice: Want this dude out of office? All you have to do is publish some “fake news” on him and invent some scandal, and walla! He’s ruined. But don’t lower yourselves and say it’s in the name of a potential link to radical Islam. Even if you secretly think it is, shut the fuck up and come up with some other excuse.
People can believe in whatever religion they want to, what the hell do I care.Take something like Scientology, which is batshit, wonky, utterly made up horsecrap… If people want to be dumb and get roped into that sci-fi fairy tale, by all means they have every right to do so. Doesn’t affect me whatsoever. And if they run for office and want to do good things, then go for it. If they run for office and try to create bullshit laws based on the principles of Scientology, let’s say, to build a launch pad for Xenu to land his DC-8 spaceship on, then it’s justified (not on the grounds of religious intolerance, but on the grounds that I’m not spending taxpayer dollars on a landing pad for Xenu’s fucking spaceship. That motherfucker blew up people with hydrogen bombs and shit like that. I don’t want to die yet, thank you very much).
So go and let this educated man do his political thing and leave his religion out of it!
PS – Scientology leader people – don’t sue me. I’m tolerant over here, I was just using you as an example for shits and giggles. I know y’all sue everyone for defamation and crap, so just go on believing in your thing and I’ll leave you alone, I promise. But for real, if I disappear because of this blog that 4 people read, then I think you know where to start looking for me.
This Video of the Batshit Teacher Singing and Cutting Students’ Hair is BANANAS
This story is bananas. Probably the most absurd thing of 2018.Everything about this video and story is fascinating. It gets wilder by the minute when you watch the video:
Yowza! That lady literally lost her goddamn mind. Which leads me to the following questions:
- At first, I was wondering what kind of drugs make you do this? What kind of loony-juice makes a person scream the national anthem, chase after kids with scissors and cut their hair – in the middle of chemistry class? Or… What happened in her life that made her go nutzo? Or… Literally what makes you think it’s okay to act a fool like that. Even if you have the urge to do or say stupid shit – don’t you understand 1) you’ll look like a lunatic 2) people are taking video and making you viral – in a bad way and 3) just chill the fuck out and do literally anything else but that. Unfortunately, mental illness is a real thing and no matter what the circumstance, the woman needs help.
- If you’re that kid, how the hell are you sitting down again when that psycho bitch tells you to after she already cut your hair? How? But if some middle aged, trippin’ assed white lady came at me with scissors and started cutting my hair, I’d be like: “Bitch are you OUTSIDE your mind?” and I would bounce ASAP.
- The biggest question is – how does a school district hire this lady to begin with?!?! Are theythat desperate? Holy moly. Her former employment was in food safety, and a weights and measures inspector. Literally going to the local Walmart’s deli and checking to make sure their scales are accurate; shit like that. How do you go from that – to teaching high school chemistry? Chem’s hard. I was in normal people chemistry in 10th grade (not honors, and I was mostly in honors science classes) and it was still hard, but I liked it… Which brings me to my next point – school administrators usually mess everything up. The fact that this woman was suspended two times already and theystill took her back is an insult to humanity. How do you think the conversation went when they renewed her for the next year? “Uhhh, Chad? Soooo… We kinda don’t have any qualified applicants to properly teach chemistry up in this joint, but the current lunatic we have now who was suspended a couple times will have to do, okay?” “Sounds good, Constance.”
Do they not hunt around for rumors or monitor Twitter and notice things like @rafaelvazquez79 ‘s tweet: “Free Mrs. G she was hella cool and chill! Back to when she wasn’t wildin 😪” Followed by a video of her tweaking out and flipping water bottles. Pretty sure if I’m on the board or making a re-hiring decision, I’d see that on Twitter and would be like “Iight… This is going to be a lot of paperwork, but we simply cannot have this woman wildin anymore in our district. Not under my watch! First it’s just a little wildin, but before you know it, they’re bringing national attention to your school for a viral video of trying to murder kids with scissors while screaming the national anthem at the top of their lungs.”
I’m using that from now on. Anytime anyone I respected loses their mind, I’ll 100% tweet about how they were mad cool, before they were wildin’
This Fox News Opinion Piece on Marijuana is Laugh Out Loud Funny, Fear Mongering Ignorance
March 15, 2019
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From time to time, I read Fox News for comic relief, because all of it is the biggest bunch of bullshit ever published and I find it really disturbing how goddamn delusional half of the country is, that they blindly believe this crap. In the Twitter-style words of our Orange Führer: Sad.
So I stumble across this opinion piece by these two goofball white guys who are still living in Nixon’s war on drugs days, and I have a problem with literally every sentence of the article. My stance on drugs is a very simple one: it’s your body do whatever the hell you want as long as you’re not bothering anyone else. Obviously I don’t condone deadbeat druggies that drag down society, do crime, violence and are irresponsible with family obligations. It’s also wise to avoid meth and opiates at all costs, and probably anything else that gets cut down and is impure that can cause harm (wait a second… alcohol, a drug, can kill you too). But if someone wants to go and do their drugs and they’re not bothering me, what the hell do I care.
First off here are your “opinion” writers:
Alex Titus, a Public Interest Fellow in Washington, D.C. What the fuck does a public interest fellow do on a day to day basis? This guy looks like a douchedouchedouche.
Alex Entz is a graduate student at Princeton University. He was formerly a policy advisor and speechwriter in Washington, D.C., and is an alumnus of the Philos Leadership Institute. This is what higher level educational institutions are spitting out these days? THis goofball looks like he’s one of those stuck up 60s Nixon war on drugs guys.
I expect cited evidence from scientific publications to back these MORONS’ opinions. I don’t care if I agree with them or not, if it’s being backed up with evidence, I’d respect it a bit more. How is this shit even allowed? Since middle school, we needed a works cited on all writings. We couldn’t just make up whatever the hell we felt like. And that’s what this article is doing. If I handed this shit in as a research paper in middle school, high school, or college, it’d get a big fat F (regardless of content, there are no citations! That is the biggest no-no going!
Now, let’s break down this article:
How will it undermine poor communities? I will refer you here:
So you’re saying to change policing tactics and decriminalize it, but keep it illegal? What is the point then? It would still waste taxpayer dollars enforcing it, and police will still target minorities more than white men. Also, what statistics were collected? What is your source, gentlemen?
If you actually read the source, the data was inconclusive. How do you quote an inconclusive research paper, assholes? From the final comments: “Six years after the passage of I-502, the criminal justice rhetoric used to promote marijuana legalization in Washington has yet to be supported by data. More and better data are needed. Preliminary findings suggest a decrease of marijuana-related arrests in general but not a decrease of racial disparities.”
This is a good thing. Weed arrests are down, which save taxpayer dollars. The fact that there are still racial disparities in arrests doesn’t have anything to do with weed. This is a policing problem in general and applies to all crimes.
Bahahahahah. They cited the “failing New York Times.” Guess it’s only failing when it doesn’t support your viewpoint. Also, if you actually read the NY Times opinion piece linked, it too does not cite it’s research: “Looking at a decade’s worth of federal surveys on drug use, he and a partner determined that Americans with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for close to 30 percent of all marijuana use, even though they make up less than 20 percent of the population.”
This is based on “a decade’s worth of federal surveys.” Seems legit. But only the poors do the weed tho…
I can assure you that people into weed are not interested in targeting children. Gummy bears, brownies and other treats are simply more convenient if you don’t want to stink up the joint. Maybe people have lung issues and don’t want to smoke or vape, but still want their effect. Get LAWST.
A contradiction! Up above, they said one third of people with incomes under $20,000 smoke. Last I checked, one third is not “most marijuana smoked”
I guess the following people are low income individuals: Seth Rogen, Bob Marley, Miley, Cyrus, Snoop Dogg, Amy Poehler, Woody Harrelson, Sarah Silverman, Bill Maher.. I could go on and on…
Why would business owners take on the immense expense of drug testing if there is no probable cause? Sure, if you have a guy coming in all fucked up and can’t do his job, by all means drug test and use it as an excuse to fire the guy on the grounds that HE SUCKS AT HIS JOB. There are certain exceptions – I’d prefer if my airline pilot isn’t blazing it up in the cockpit. But come on… If you are good at your job, it doesn’t require the operation of heavy machinery, precise reaction times and you can carry out your behavior normally / aren’t acting like a paranoid/hyped-up/drunk/drugged out weirdo, I don’t care if you’re on drugs or not. (If yes, maybe do the drugs after work and then don’t let it interfere with your productivity)
And maybe that research paper is correct. I’m not scholarly enough to validate it, but anything can be skewed. But let’s face it, if you’re going into work stoned all the time, of course you’re not going to be as productive. Uh doyyyy, Captain Obvious!
Or you could just not smoke weed when you’re pregnant. It’s the same thing as not drinking when you’re pregnant. People do it and there are babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome as well. And alcohol is legal.
Get the fuck out of here, extremely habit forming… Really? According to who? “Drug policy expert Jonathan Caulkins” who is not a goddamn medical professional? You want to know what’s extremely habit forming? Oxycodone being prescribed by big pharma. Consider the following scenario: “Oops I threw my back out, please give me this physically and psychologically addictive pill, under medical guise, that I build a tolerance to and need more and more and can’t function/shake/puke/vomit without. Oh, you’re cutting me off now? Guess I’ll go down to my local black tar heroin dealer to get the same effect. Whoops, I just overdosed and died and die because it’s been cut with Chinese fentanyl.”
Or you could just smoke a fuckin blunt and call it a day. Last I checked, weed isn’t making people shake with withdrawal and seek out shit to inject in their veins and kill them. Yeah, there could be a tad of psychological dependence, but that’s the least of anyone’s concern.
Wrong! Alcohol causes physical dependence. A severe alcoholic quitting cold turkey will probably die of complications if not weaned in rehab under medical observation.
Are they 18? Can they fight in stupid fuckin “wars” over in the Middle East and die for this dumb shit country? Then who cares. Chances are, it’ll be regulated like alcohol and you’ll need to be 21 (which is bs since you’re legally an adult at 18. I’m not saying your brain is developed fully at that time, nor am I saying it’s the best idea, but you’re legally considered an adult).
Also, fuck off. It’s damn near impossible to get alcohol if you’re under 21 and don’t have older connections, fake IDs, etc. It’s easier to get shit illegally than legally.
Prove it. I don’t buy it. Where are the statistics?
So overall, this is a completely bullshit, fear mongering article, written by two asshole morons at an asshole moron news organization. I bet the two opinion writers don’t even agree with their piece at all – they seem educated. You have to be a certified IDIOT to believe all of these skewed facts. They’re probably having a ball writing creative fiction to brainwash 50% of bumblefuck, hick, morons in this dumbshit country.
One of my buddies in high school had an assignment to write a satire piece. He wrote an article promoting human cannibalism. It was hilarious and very well written. If Fox News published that shit, people would believe it.