Category: Computer/ Tech Related
Optimum Online Can Go F Itself
It’s a huge PIECE…. I don’t even have it, and it sucks balls. Sunday night, lots of people must be on and here’s an Optonline speedtest from KF-Dedicated (sorry John):
And here’s my internet (dedicated, not affected by people using it at once)
Fuckin enjoyyyyyyyyyyy!
I Rooted The Shit out of my Droid
And it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. In case you don’t know what that means, I pretty much hacked it to be able to access some system level commands that normally wouldn’t fly. Here are some things I can do that you can’t:
- Delete the shutter sound on the camera so I can creep more (j/k)
- Wifi tether – This is the best. I can now make a wireless hotspot using 3G. F off Verizon for blocking this because I got it anyway
- Titanum Backup – Can backup any app/ app data and restore it
- SetCPU – The Droid has a 600 mhz processor in it. Verizon underclocked it to 550. F that. I can now OC it to 800mhz. I have it running at 600 though, and 250 when the screen is off to save battery. It’s legit
- Screenshot – I can take screenshots by shaking my phone
- Ad blocker – I am able to write a hosts file to block admob and all the stupid shit
- Delete those stupid fucking Verizon apps they don’t let you get rid of (Amazon Mp3 and Visual Voicemail)
- Rom Manager. Can use custom roms
- Quick Reboot widget
Droid = much more win now
If You Follow Your GPS Into a Lake, You Deserve to Die
Gizmodo – According to Spanish newspaper El Mundo, a 37-yo Senegalese man died when his car fell into a lake near the town of Capilla, Badajoz. According to his companionwho survived the accidentthe driver was following the GPS directions when the car fell into the water, sinking in just a few minutes.
According to amateur blog, a 37-yo Sengalese man is a fucking idiot. If you are stupid enough to follow your GPS into a lake, you’re a damn moron and you need to be eliminated to improve the intelligence of the gene pool here on earth. It’s social Darwinism at it’s finest.
Pay the fuck attention you stupid idiot. You’re driving on a windy, dangerous, unfamiliar road – go slower. Last I checked, your GPS doesn’t drive your car for you. If you drove it off a road, you’re the one with the wheel and pedal asshole. So don’t give me any of this “oh it’s dark, it’s windy” bull, it’s 100% his fault. Could the GPS have been wrong? Yes, but it’s a machine – you use it to help you, not control you. Sorry but it’s called situational awareness. Very important.
So tell me who this schmuck fuckface companion is who survived? Another fucking idiot. What the hell was he doing when his friend was busy driving off a cliff – lounging? If they were in an unknown dark area, you think he’d be an extra set of eyes? You think he be screaming at his friend to stop driving like a maniac on some windy road with no divider and a huge drop into a lake.. Shame that guy walked away. Another moron who needs his genes of this planet.
I love reading these stories on the internet because it’s great ripping on these people. Obviously I’m 100% right. It’s like that fucking idiot who got run over following Google’s walking directions. Probably sued Google for like $300 million too.
PS – If you saw this post like 6 times on your news reader, I messed up. API tests/ reposting/ Twitter problems. Sorry
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Dear Assholes Over at Verizon Wireless:
December 6, 2010
Computer/ Tech Related, Rants
1 Comment
Remember how your phones used to suck balls in the pre-smartphone days? Remember how long it took you morons to get anything decent? I do. Then you got the Motorola Droid in Fall 2009. Pure Google experience. Phone was epic win. The phone (for its time) was amazing. Yes, it’s not the best designed and it is pretty slow and crappy now but you know what? I like it better than any Android on Verizon today. Now, you are releasing shitty phones with old versions of Android. The Droid X is a huge tablet and the HTC Incredible is ruined with SenseUI. It has no hope of getting upgraded. And why.. why WHY did the Galaxy S get released with Android 2.1
Know what I am jealous as hell over? This:
I borderline might switch over to T-Mobile because of the Nexus S, Google’s latest gem with Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The thing is sleek and it’s stacked. Front camera, 1Ghz processor, 16gigs of storage, HD video, no bloatware, updates directly from Google… That’s an Android phone. Not this bullshit like the Droid Incredible, DroidX and Samsung Galaxy.
Seriously. Let’s say Google releases a new version of Android. The Nexus gets it right away. Verizon phones with bloatware will not get it for another 4-5 months because first, the manufacturer needs to modify it with its latest bloatware skin. Then Verizon gets it and has to add their shit to it. by the time the consumer gets it, Google’s halfway to the next version. And the fragmentation continues! I was so jealous when the Nexus One came out. It’s a shame Google botched that up royally. 1) Selling it from their own site was a flop and 2) should have partnered with more carriers.
So you dopey fools at Verizon: