Category: Computer/ Tech Related
Android App of the Week: GPS Status
This is part one of Wednesday’s weekly segment highlighting amazing Android Apps. This week: GPS Status.
This little app is amazing. It connects to your GPS and gives you your live coordinates, a compass, acceleration, altitude, pitch/tilt of the phone and speed. Those little green dots are the actual locations of GPS satellites in the sky.
You can share your location in GMail, twitter or Google Maps. You can also lock in your location and it will help you navigate back to it.
Very simple app, but it’s great for getting your speed and direction in a car or something. It’s also great to see how many satellites are visible / fixed to troubleshoot GPS issues (if it doesn’t connect).
To download, scan the following QR code, or search “GPS status” in the Android Market.
Firefox is Going Down the Tubes
Oh Firefox, how you disappoint thee. It was once the perfect, most amazing browser. But the browser war taken a vast toll on you. At the turn of the decade, I wrote a detailed post explaining why I was disappointed with Firefox. I still use Firefox as my main browser, but why? It’s clear that Safari and Chrome support better HTML5 and CSS3 standards. Now IE9 (GASP) and Opera are catching up. Opera?! What a joke. Not really. I just saw a new beta screenshot and specs for Opera and it was the reason for this ramble.
Let me tell you something: Firefox 4 better be amazing when it’s released by the end of the year, because Firefox 3.6 quickly turning into the worst browser out of the major HTML5/CSS3 enabled ones. (IE is automatically excluded). Not only is Javascript speed abysmal, but it’s GUI is clunky.
I always frowned upon Opera because it seemed like a waste to compete with Firefox. Its old version looked like a mess. But now, that looks similar to Firefox 3.6. Once Google Chrome came out with its simplistic UI and fast JS engine, I was impressed. Now it looks like Opera has added HTML5 goodies, speed and a sweet new UI that shares a resemblance with Google Chrome.
Unless Firefox 4 looks like this (which I assure you it doesn’t based on the nightly releases), and they fix their horrid javascript performance (compared with Safari, Chrome and now Opera), they have zero bragging rights.
Unless you’re using IE, you’re still fine by me, but Mozilla really is going to the birds right now. It’s kind of disappointing how these newcomers just run away with performance and features, and something that I’ve been using since 2004, that has always been the leader, is fading.
I’m expecting Firefox 4 to be a quality release that is competitive with Google Chrome and any other new browser still in development. God forbid IE9 outperforms Firefox – I’ll kill 4 kittens.
PS – this is random, but there’s just something about Safari that pisses me off. I don’t know why. Maybe I just hate Apple.
Browser WarsFirefoxGoogle Chrome
The Droid 2 Looks Kind Of Eh
EDIT: THIS INFO IS OUTDATED. The phone specs below were prototype and it’s not the official Droid 2.
Are the people at Motorola on crack? I’m reading articles on the Droid 2 and it looks absolutely no different than the original Droid. The “leaked specs” better be a joke, because it is a complete embarrassment. It’s original Droid with 2 minor hardware upgrades and no one in their right mind should pay to upgrade.
I mean are people at Motorola stupid? You don’t look at the HTC Droid Incredible specs, EVO 4G specs or iPhone 4 specs and try to beat them?I mean they took the original device, changed the keyboard, added a few hundred MHz to the processor. The Nexus One, Droid Incredible, iPhone and EVO 4G all have faster processors and have been out already (well not the iPhone 4 yet). And Motorola is going around releasing something worse than crap that’s been out for months. Awful.
Droid 2 Specs:
-Android 2.1 (really? no 2.2 froyo?)
-3.7″ screen
-750MHz OMAP processor (Big deal – the original Droid has a 550MHz processor)
-8GB internal memory
-8GB SD card preinstalled (Thanks, the Droid 1 came with double that)
-New keyboard
-5MP camera (no chage here)
-New version of Motoblur (What did I say about skinning Android? This sucks ass)
-No HDMI port
-No front facing camera
BIG DEAL… The processor gets upgraded from 550mhz to 750mhz and the keyboard changes a little. The camera is the same. They put that Motoblur swill on there to clog up the user interface. No HDMI or front camera. This is utter garbage and if it’s released, it’s dumb as hell.
Stop Skinning the Android

Look at this ugly ass screen. The time is already shown on the status bar. Why do you need a huge ass clock? It's a waste of app space.
You know what’s ruining the Android OS for smartphones? Custom user interfaces developed by hardware companies. I’m talking SenseUI and MotoBlur. Absolute wastes. What is wrong with the standard Android user interface? It’s fine. Anything to fragment the OS more…
So what’s so bad? 1)They’re ugly 2)They slow the phone down and 3)If Google releases an OS update, you can’t get it right away – either because it’s not compatable or because HTC has to tweak it before it gets updated.
Second of all, HTC is a hardware company – what do they know about software and UIs? This is why I hate the Droid Incredible. Hardware wise, it’s really good. But I’m just turned so off by Sense that I probably wouldn’t get it.
It’s bad enough Verizon has to mess around with the Android UI on the Droid. See, when 2.1 was released, Verizon took about 3 months removing features from it. Seriously, what the F? The original Android 2.1 OS was supposed to have a 3D app drawer and 5 homescreens. Verizon was like “nope” and kept the laggy assed app drawer and kept the three screens. The closest device to a pure Android experience is the Nexus One, which already got 2.2. I want 2.2 badly, but Motorola and Verizon devs need to probably strip all the cool shit out of it before sending it over. Mark my words, I won’t be seeing Android 2.2 on my Droid until next fall or later. (Such a shame because 2.1 is SO SLOW).
See I love Android to death and am not a huge fan of Apple, but I have to admit – having only one device helps. You release a new OS and everything updates at the same time. Not this notion that when a new Android OS is released every carrier and manufacturer needs to tweak it first before everyone gets it.
I was going to write lot more, but just read this Gizmodo article. It sums up my point to perfection.
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Further Proof Steve Jobs is a Dick & the iPhone 4 is a Piece of Shit
June 24, 2010
Computer/ Tech Related
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The iPhone 4 is apparently a piece of shit because if you hold it by its antenna band, it loses signal and drops your calls. Isn’t AT&T bad enough? Apple doesn’t need to be releasing phones that drop calls if you hold them wrong.
It’s amazing that Jobs actually answers public email. I think that’s pretty cool. But if you’re going to be an asshole, just don’t answer. Job’s response when someone asked him about the issue? Don’t hold your phone that way. You pompous asshole. So I’m going to buy a $400 phone and I can’t hold it any way I want? The nerve!