Category: Computer/ Tech Related

Congress Bans Caller ID Spoofing

The House has passed the “Truth in Caller ID Act of 2010” (PDF), which does exactly what its name would lead you to believe.

Under the bill, it becomes illegal “to cause any caller ID service to transmit misleading or inaccurate caller ID information, with the intent to defraud and deceive.” The bill maintains an exemption for blocking one’s own outgoing caller ID information, and law enforcement isn’t affected. -Ars Technica

This is absolute nonsense. How are kids supposed to have fun anymore? Doesn’t Congress have anything better to worry about than passing this moronic bill? Some crotchety old senator from West Bumblefuck, Montana probably got too many calls from Seymour Butts with number on his caller ID displaying 8008135. Like seriously, if you haven’t made/ been with anyone who has prank called, you don’t breathe oxygen.

Seriously, back in 1997 I remember being at a third grade rager in this dude Lou’s basement. We prank called all the 8 year old sluts in training. Picture a bunch of third graders giggling around a phone, messing with these people’s parents (since cell phones weren’t mainstream yet). Boys shall be boys.

Instead of banning caller ID spoofing, why not worry about how much the Federal Reserve keeps printing money and how much debt there is. That is much more detrimental to this nation that morons making stupid phone calls.

Slash vs. Backslash

This has been pissing me off for a while now, but I never bothered writing about it. XKCD clarified it. Let’s learn the difference between a forward slash (/) and a backslash (\)

If forward slash were to tip over, it would fall right, which is forward /
If a backslash were to tip over, it would fall left, which is backwards \

This is not a hard concept. They are in two completely different spots on the keyboard. In URLs, just say slash. People say backslash all the time and it makes you sound dumb.

Courtesty of

OMG Multitasking

It’s the second coming of Christ. iPhone OS 4 will multitask.You can finally listen to Pandora and check your email. How revolutionary – I’ve never seen such a thing before. Oh and, push notifications? Amazing! No one invented those before.

Where’s your mass storage? My Droid is essentially a 16GB flash drive. No notification bar? So you mean to tell me that when I get a push notification, it’s going to interrupt what I’m doing? Shameful.

Apple’s iPhone OS 4 is nothing revolutionary. It’s just playing catchup with Android. But Apple fanboys don’t see it that way. Anything Apple releases is pure gold and everything else was and always will be inferior.

26% of These Poll Respondents Should be Shot Dead


This is part 2 of my 117 part series on why the iPad sucks. Everyone else blogs about it nonstop, so I need to join the club.

So I was browsing through my RSS feeds and came across this article on TechCrunch, which made me spit out my coffee and rage.

Apparently, 26% of the people they polled are happy about the iPad because it “may replace the iPhone.”

Are you people FUCKING STUPID? The iPad lacks the ability to make phone calls/ is not registered on a cell carrier, so explain to me how it’s going to replace a phone? And do you you know how ridiculous you’d look talking into a giant tablet pressed to your head?

If this stupidity keeps up, I am going to quit the internet and move to a cabin in Alaska. Apple really knows how to make the tech industry regress. People think this shitpad is so revolutionary, but it really is not. It’s bringing us backwards.

Edit: So I scrolled down the post and there was another graph about what people didn’t like about the iPhone. 26% of them said that it “won’t replace my iPhone” Make up your minds, ignoramuses. I scrolled further, and 87% said they’d buy it anyway


OMG iPad

Shut the fuck up about the fucking iPad. It’s a piece of shit. I can’t go anywhere on the internet without it being shoved down my throat. I went to my Google Reader and 98/103 items are about this stupid shit. Images, videos, people stampeding one another, morons camping out for days in lines, app reviews, accessories. I don’t care. Shut up. It’s all nonsense. All for a stupid tablet that can only do one thing at a time. All these websites and companies are going nuts developing apps for this stupidity.

It’s all a novelty. I can get a netbook for the same price with more space, a real keyboard, Windows 7, a camera. But no. Computer applications are not as good as iPad apps. OMG APPS. They’re good for mobile devices, but it’s absurd that developers need to waste their time making apps specifically for the iPad. Unfortunately, they have to, because if they don’t they’ll be behind the times.

Waste of money

And why would you ever spend more money on a 3G version. There goes an extra monthly fee? Newsflash – 3G isn’t that good. It’s slow, it’s choppy, it cuts out all the time. Shut up. All it’s doing is costing people money -WSJ and NY Times all charging ridiculous monthly fees for content. It’s actually a clever scam. Really clever.

Apple has created a cult following. The iPad isn’t even that great, but everyone is now obsessed with anything Apple releases. It’s brilliant how the company built up their brand image.

To quote Colbert: “just like the iPhone, you can’t make calls with it”