Category: Computer/ Tech Related

It’s 2010, So…

… there are some blog updates. Last January 1, I rolled out some new blog features. Without even trying or planning, I’ve done so again. They are mostly behind the scenes and don’t matter unless you’re me. Yes, I’m selfish like that. I also got rid of the CAPTCHA (the image code thingy you need to enter correctly to post comments). It was annoying and marketing research has shown that no one likes them. Maybe the 4 people who read this will actually comment, now that there’s one less step (doubtful because of the 75328 social media sites around). Seriously though, I hate CAPTCHAs and never got the letters right. There are better ways to block spam – and I’m doing that now. So hit me, spammers – you’ve got nothing.

Oh and resolutions. Expect lots more blog entries this year, like multiple posts per day… About whatever – because this site is pointless, and I will have more free time (possibly). It’s 2:18AM on New Years and I’m sitting home blogging like an asshole. Crazy partayyyyyyyy lots of beautiful women here…

Posting from my Droid

I am posting this from the WpToGo Android app. I could have just logged in with the browser, but this is cooler. I love this Droid so much. It seemlessly integrates with Google and the screen is amazing. As you may have noticed, I have been going to town on Blackberries lately. They suck ass – enjoy your shitty rollerball and outages. I will cut the iPhone people some slack though (even though they can’t multitask and run two apps at once). Muhahahaha.

Clear means Clear

LG clear buttonA few months ago, I got an LG ENV3. Good simple non smartphone, nice keyboard works well etc. You know what’s stupid? LG decided to put a voice command function on the clear button. This is dumb as shit. When I press the clear button, it should exit out of all menus and then go to the main screen. When on the main screen, it should just stay there and do nothing. The point of clear is to get out of everything. Instead, when you press clear, it goes to the voice command menu, one of the most useless features ever. I can access whatever I want by browsing to it. I don’t need to go voice commanding my phone. Anyway. when you push clear, this obnoxious voice screams out “PLEASE SAY A COMMAND” followed by a loud beep. This happens even if the phone is on vibrate or silent. So stupid.

I have always had this problem, but never got a chance to write about it, but am going to now since I just got the best text message from Waspito: “fucking CLEAR button should CLEAR. not yell at me to say commands. esp when my phone’s on SILENT during class. fucking ***t”

I am looking into a Droid

Google Ruined my Homepage

Some moron engineer at Google made a brilliant decision: let’s collapse the iGoogle themes to fit more widgets in for those of us with smaller screen resolutions. FALSE. What the hell is the point of having a theme if it gets cut off? Use your brains, Google. I would much rather see the entire theme and scroll for my widgets. At least make it an option. Fix it now, it’s pissing me off.

What my theme looks like:
Google Theme Cut Off

What my theme should look like
Normal iGoogle theme

My screen resolution is 1280×800. I know I’m not really doing well height-wise, but it’s not the worst. I like my Google themes to be seasonal, and they ruined it on me. Now everything’s cut off. Thanks Google

Update: 11/25/2009 – A Google employee replied back on their help forum and acknowledged that the users were upset. Google will be making a change to how this was implemented and will post back to let us know. I will keep you updated

Hello from… A Proxy

First update in a long time. I just woke up because I decided to sleep off a pissed off mood from a Yankee loss and a campus internet outage. I am posting this from a proxy because the dumb shits here at my school network go home after 5PM, and then the internet frequently goes down and no one is here to fix it. Very common occurrence.

So… I do some investigating, and websites do not load. But we do seem to have a live internet connection, since some other protocols worked. So what do I do? Tunnel to a server I administer back in my hometown (thanks KF-Dedicated) and proxy traffic from there to me. Works wonders. So what is wrong with our internet here? I have a feeling that it’s an overloaded traffic-shaper and it’s just dropping all web traffic. Either that or the DNS server died. Some encryption and tunnel action, and bingo, I’m the only moron here with a working connection. Now CNS, get your shit together, you are horrible people. So that’s my rant.