Category: Rants

Back Up Cameras and Old Bitches Running People Over

AP – New requirements from the Transportation Department are intended to improve rear visibility in cars by the 2014 model year. Most carmakers would comply by installing rear-mounted video cameras and in-vehicle displays. The government estimated that video systems would add about $200 to the cost of each new vehicle.

Nearly 300 people are killed and 18,000 injured each year because of backovers, according to data kept by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Many happen in driveways and parking lots. Nearly half the deaths involve children under age 5, and the crashes also affect the elderly.The agency estimated that the requirements annually could save 95 to 112 lives and prevent more than 7,000 injuries.

What a bunch of horse shit. Doesn’t this stupid assedgovernmenthave anything better to do than to propose legislation to put backup cameras in all new cars? Let’s make it madatory to increase the price of all cars to include backup cameras. Do you really think half the technology illiterate moron drivers in this country will know how to use a backup camera? Second, they’ll be fiddling with the damn screen and probably run someone over anyway. I have no problem with back up cameras, but it should be limited to those (cough rich people cough) who choose to install one. Not everyone has money to throw around you know. And this moron government is like “nah everyone must use this, omg it’ll save lives.” Bullshit.

I have a method that can save lives and prevent injuries – how about people fucking use their own eyes to look in their mirrors and over both shoulders before actually backing up, stop being oblivious and pay the fuck attention? That will solve it all.

It’s like that 85 year old asshole bitch who ran over and killed some teacher in Bronxville, then backed up over her again to see what she hit. Then she drove away and the poor woman was stilllyingin the street and got hit by another car. Christ! See this is the problem with the judicial system. What are they going to do? Throw her in jail for her 2 remaining years until she kicks it? Sue her? For sure not! And would a backup camera doanything? Nope? The old fool would probably have to put on some reading glasses to look at it. The only proper punishment for this joker is to run her over with a car, then throw it in reverse and back up over her., preferably in a car WITH a back up camera. Enough said. If you’re too stupid to properly handle a car, pay the consequences, manslaughter-er. I’m sick of these old people getting away with everything because they pull the age card. “Oh I’m half dead, I didn’t know any better…” Not in my book, grandma – you’re getting your ass run over!

Optimum Online Can Go F Itself

It’s a huge PIECE…. I don’t even have it, and it sucks balls. Sunday night, lots of people must be on and here’s an Optonline speedtest from KF-Dedicated (sorry John):

And here’s my internet (dedicated, not affected by people using it at once)

Fuckin enjoyyyyyyyyyyy!

The Bombardier M7-A is a Piece of Shit

I swear, ride on these things and you’ll get seasick. Yes, seasick. From a train. Yeah they’re all new (well 4-5 years old), flashy and look cool unlike those other shitty 70s models with the fake stick on wood grain (seriously, wood grain? That’s another rant). I never felt anything rock back and forth so violently. How is it possible? It’s a level train on a level, solid iron track. What a topheavy piece of crap. Seriously, who builds these things anyway? They don’t take it for a little spin and say “hmm, too much rocking, let’s fix something.” Nah, they just want to shit them out as cheaply as possible so the MTA can raise my fares every 5 minutes. The old trains don’t have this problem, but these things are nuts. Half the time my coffee is sloshing all over the bro next to me. The thing is like the Sea Dragon over at Playland. I’m trying to read my book or phone screen and everything’s just shaking. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

Not to mention, I almost died this morning walking between cars 1) because these things have like 200 fewer seats than the old ones, forcing me to walk between cars and 2) it decided to sway from side to side right as I walked between cars in which there was no protect. Welp, that would have been it folks.

That’s right – part two of my 100 part series on bad engineering.

People on the Train Piss Me Off

Pet peeves about fuckin annoying people on the trains:

  • Lower your fucking iPod – It’s like 8AM, I’m half asleep. If I’m across the train, I don’t want to hear your treble. It pisses me off.
  • Get your fucking hands off me – The god damn subway poles: stop touching me with your filthy snot covered hand. There’s enough room for everyone to grab a different part of it, why must your hand attach to mine like a magnet. I wanted to punch this guy in the face today.
  • Blow your fucking nose – You know how friggin annoying it is to hear sniffling and snorting the whole way home? Also, get away from me you sick fuck, I don’t want your virus.
  • Don’t crowd me, bro – Today I wanted to murder this fucktard. I grab a window seat in a two seater. There is a three seater across from me with one person by the window. This waste of life comes over and sits right up my ass, when there is clearly a three seats across the way with a gap between the next person.
  • Get off the phone – No one gives a shit and wants to hear what you have to say so shut the fuck up, you’re disturbing the quiet.

I’m sure there’s a lot more, but that’s most of them.

Today, I Voted For…

Fucking nobody.

That’s right. I hate politicians. I hate government. I hate bureaucracy. I hate paying taxes to assholes who get nothing done, add more restrictions on everything by the second and make this country less free. I hate the shitty infrastructure in this backwards ass country – roads and bridges falling apart, yet the tolls are upwards of $6 each way with thousands of people passing every day (fucking MTA).

And if you say that I’m a bad American or I have no right to complain about bad politicians if I didn’t vote at all, fuck off. It’s a free country and I don’t have to vote. Why should I vote? If my choices are between one huge asshole and a lesser asshole, either way we’re fucked, so what does it matter. You get a disaster like George W. Bush fucking shit up for 8 years bombing empty caves like a douchebag and then Obama comes in trying to clean up all that stupidity with more utter stupidity that just costs even more taxpayer dollars.

Political parties are pathetic. They were designed in the 1700s when people were too stupid to know anything and no one had any transportation. Everything is Democrat this and Republican that. To hell with all of that! How about “this person is genuinely smart” vs. “this joker sucks balls?” The problem with politics is the two parties fighting. If you took all of that energy and put it into fixing up stupid shit, things might actually be half decent. And if you’re in some other weirdo party, you’ll get like 7 votes tops.

Next issue. Money. We all know the only person who wins is the richest/ or the one who spends the most campaigning. I don’t care how good you are – if no on heard of you because you don’t have big bucks or corporations paying for your campaign, you lose.

New York is completely fucked. Complete trainwreck up in Albany right now. You have a blind man who does nothing. Then you have a senate that just screams at each other all day. Then you have a crazy assed mafia bro who hates gays running versus some other moron who’s only popular because of his father. I love New York to death, but 98% of it is useless anyway. Like it’s common sense that if you don’t live in Westchester or the city, you live in the fucking boonies (forget Long Island peeps, they’re in their own world). Upstate, it may be nice, but it’s depressed as hell and no one should ever live there except for getaway summer vacation houses in the trees/mountains/lakes whatever.

PS – Thank CHRIST this election is over. I’m sick of people shoving campaign flyers up my ass everywhere I walk -train stations, subway stations, Grand Central, the streets, the parks, lobbies of office buildings. Go AWAY and stop killing trees with that shit.

PPS – This guy makes sense. It’s basic trickle down theory. Hey anyone lowring rent in my books is a good man. Mo money fo me.
