Category: Rants

You’re Dumb. Don’t Teach Here

I have had it with ignorant professors. It really pisses me off that a highly qualified, extremely expensive institute of higher learning employs professors who either can’t write or speak English or don’t know basic history.

Professor 1 teaches an international human resource management course. She has no clue about history. On two occasions, this woman stated that three atomic bombs were dropped in Japan to end WWII. Please refresh my memory as to what the third one was, I’d like to know. Second, we were talking about imperialism and she asked us which areas in the present day US were territories of Spain. A student replied with Florida and she immediately dismissed that fact and called on someone else, who said Texas. Um, moron – they’re both correct – don’t say that a student (she was pretty hot actually, I’m surprised she was smart) is wrong when he/she is not. This fool gave us nine assignments and graded one of them. How are we supposed to know how we’re doing?

Professor 2 teaches history. She never uses a subject when she sends email. Use a subject – that’s what it’s for. I am OCD with sorting things and don’t want to guess what each of your poorly written messages are about. Second, when you write an email the following bullets demonstrate improper grammar and are unacceptable:

  • To prepare your middle-term exam, you need to familiar yourself with […]”
  • “Why did the Jesuits to to Asia to covert people into Christianity?”
  • “We studies global interactions during the 16th and 17th centuries.”

These people have PhDs dammit. They’re supposedly brilliant. Proofread your shit and check your facts before you make yourself sound like dumb. I wouldn’t hand in a paper like that. Don’t get me wrong, these are lovely, wonderful people and are really nice. But I have no patience for stupidity.

Gotta Love the Bandwidth Cap

One week left until I peace for spring break and we have a little condition here – the regression to 1997 internet speeds. Thanks to our wonderful network staff and some bandwidth caps (oops, looks like I went over), I get to spend the next 5 days on a 56k connection (I really don’t though if you know what I mean). It was interesting to test load times on a dial-up connection. Let me tell you, I’m pretty damn impressed how snappy this site loaded on dial-up. As far as the rest of the internet… No good. Simple images, web 2.0 pages and especially Gmail take about two minutes to load.

On average, when the network is busy, I’d say we get about 500KBPS to 1MBPS. That’s pretty weak. When it’s empty, individual users can see up to 30MBPS. Of course, with QOS, traffic manipulation and deep packet inspection thanks to this piece of shit, web traffic is still pretty laggy. So that 30MBPS is pretty crippled when your webpages still load slowly.

I have a suggestion for you brainiacs who work in our intertube department. If you knew anything about networking at all, you’d automatically restrict bandwidth at the time of excessive usage, not after the fact. (For example, maybe 200MB+ within certain period of time, or speeds >10MBPS for an extended period. Capping there would literally cut the download off and save bandwidth, not watste it and then cap it later on when it doesn’t matter anymore). This is why our network sucks – when people use too much, they are not capped at the time of excess consumption. Capping me now is pointless. I was even considerate enough to do my [perfectly legal and school related, educational] video download at 4AM on the weekend while everyone was blackout drunk and not using the internet for any academic purposes. Limiting me now is kind of a joke. Although I do thank you guys for not shutting it off completely. That would be an hassle.

Screenshot of a Speakeasy test and NetMeter:


Just leave. Thanks for the recession and your ignorance. Note to everyone: Obama will not be an instant cure all for everything Bush (and the rest of the morons who had anything to do with any legislation, democrats included) ruined. I’m not on the Obama bandwagon, but at this point you can’t really screw up much more. So time will tell. Good luck America.

Stop BSing Us, We all Know Steve Jobs is Finished

Face it: The man is in denial and we all fell for it, until yesterday, where he announced he is taking a leave of absence for his health. Quite honestly, everyone is making a big fuss about this and it’s understandable, but it is blatantly obvious that Jobs was completely full of crap. It’s okay though, he just didn’t want to seem weak for the almighty powerful company.

Some bad signs:

  • The man had pancreatic cancer in 2004. I’m sorry, but you just don’t survive pancreatic cancer.
  • He lost weight because of a hormone imbalance? My ass… Stop being in denial
  • Apple withdrew itself from it’s own Macworld Expo and Jobs did not hold the keynote speech.
  • Apple released a vague statement saying something along the lines that it always had a plan for Job’s successor, Jobs is okay, but we just want to throw that out there
  • You ever see a picture of the guy? He is ghastly.
  • Leave of absence? Now it’s just official

So I don’t mean to be negative, and this post is not meant to insult Jobs in anyway. He just wants to keep Apple’s stock up, uhhh…. I mean, he just doesn’t want to share his private health matters with everyone – which is perfectly understandable. predicts the man will not live through this current recession. If he does, it’ll be another miracle.

OMG Severe Weather Alert

This is where I get enraged. I hate over-exaggeration and utter stupidity. The Weather Channel has a habit of doing that: “zomgz guys, blizzard warning (aka one inch of snow). Stockpile food, buy blankets, buy shovels, get generators. Prepare for the end of the world.” Chill, it’s an inch of snow, it’ll melt tomorrow. That was two years ago. The exaggeration has gotten much worse, I am not even making this up, but this was a severe alert I clicked from their Google weather gadget. I’ll tell you what’s severe: the amount of work that needs to be done to prevent this stupidity:


They put out a severe weather alert for light rain and above freezing temperatures. It’s not even a downpour or icy roads. Of course the road will get wet, it’s rain – morons. Coming next year: “Severe weather alert: Partly cloudy. Hey you never know…” You lost all your credibility, go away I’ll do my own weather from now on.