Category: Website Related
New Uploader
Not that anyone cares, but I made a cleaner interface for my uploader. The old one was clunky and sucked. I’m hoping this one is cleaner and more sleek. There is now one form, so you can select the directory that you want to upload it to. It kind of looks the same but there are big differences in the code.
Have fun.
Long Load Time
I noticed that the load time of this website kind of sucks, and I need to do something about it… Regular, static pages load quickly, but for some reason, if you go to my site for the first time, it takes like 10 seconds to execute all the SQL queries. There’s something wrong with WordPress, PHP or MYSQL on my server. I have a feeling that my bloated, clunky WordPress theme I’m using is messing something up. is due for a new layout. I’m not really impressed with it, its code doesn’t validate against W3’s XHTML standard, and it isn’t all that web 2.0 looking… We’ll see what happens, now that I have time over break.
Facebook Notes
Facebook added a feature called notes where you can post something like a blog on your profile. It also includes with an RSS fetcher (which you probably never heard of). Simply put, I can write posts on my website and then Facebook takes the posts from my site and automatically adds them to the wall of notes. Since no one reads my website anymore, the posts will spread out more and people might just notice.
Spammer Fool
This post is designed to publicly humiliate a moron who registered three accounts on my website. These accounts have been registered by the same idiot: will – [email protected], willm – [email protected] and willmo – [email protected] Is there any need to have three different accounts on a stupid little blog?
Even though publishing these email addresses is probably useless (because anyone can make a fake yahoo account), I am doing this to prove that I will expose private information if you are a spamming asshole. Usually, the email addresses are not visible to the public, but I would like to personally acknowledge the fact that this pimp shizzle gangsta moron shouldn’t mess with Portfolioso. The accounts have been deleted and if the registration process continues to be abused, I’m disabling it.
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Portfolioso 2.0 Coming Soon
May 26, 2007
Website Related
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I am in the middle of a complete layout redesign. The layout is done, and I’m just doing backend database work to try and integrate these posts to the front page, and convert present content from the old layout to the new layout. There are a few changes in store for the site: it will comply with web standards (XHTML 1.0 Strict), I’m dropping the forums because no one goes there, I’m dropping the image gallery because there is no point of it, and I’m moving the blog to its own section (with the latest post on the front page). Hopefully, the site will have a Web 2.0 look and feel to it. It might be a little less green than what you’re used to, but hey, we need a change – it’s been the same since 2003
The transition is expected to occur sometime in early June, or whenever I finish. Since I’m home from school, I’m working on this at night when I’m home. I’ll also be working, so that may slow things down a bit. No worries, everything will turn out well