
I do better in Spanish with Chan sitting behind me. In 7th grade I got like 99s on every test when Chan was sitting behind me. In 8th and 9th grade, I did well but got like mid 90s. So this year I didn’t study for either test and got a couple of 97s. (Well I almost studied for one but then I fell asleep because it was late.) It’s amazing. Go Chan!!

Site Trouble

If you tried to access this site in the past few days you may have noticed that it takes forever to load. The AOL servers are probably jammed and need rebooting. We’ll see how long this continues. I have removed the start up sound and some images (on this page only) to speed it up. Still, it is slow. Until I figure out what’s wrong with it, you’ll just have to deal with the slow speeds.

UPDATE 9/22/03: To fix the problem type this in your browser:

Do NOT Ask Me for TI-83 programs

Here is my new policy. NO ONE WHATSOEVER gets any graphing calculator program from me anymore. It’s a shame because I was giving them out at first. However, some certain person keeps threatening me for them and now that person just ruined it for everyone. I try to be fair to people and this is what happens. Certain people don’t even bother with me but if they need something I’m their first preference. Not anymore. Plus, I have my own work to do and don’t have time to download custom programs. Especially Tetris. Let me tell you something about Tetris. It really sucks on the TI-83+ and in order for it to work, you need like 12 files. I just don’t have the time to transfer 12 files to 100 people. Another point to ponder. Some of these programs really mess up your calculator and I don’t feel like buying everyone a new one. So it’s not that I’m selfish or mean. I have my reasons.

If you want programs, spend $20 and get the cable yourself or buy a TI-83+ Silver Edition which comes with a cable. It’s not like I’m some immaculate being that is the only one able to get programs. A $20 USB cable won’t break the bank. GET IT AND PLEASE DON’T BOTHER ME.

What is Wrong with the RIAA?

The RIAA has gone too far with these lawsuits. First of all there are tens of millions of Americans sharing files on networks. Trying to sue every one will not accomplish anything. When you have mass copyright infringement, you can’t stop it. If three people were doing it, that’s a different story. These greedy bastards want every record sale and decide to sue people for distributing music. But in their haste, what do they do? Sue 12 year old girls. Instead of worrying about catching druggies, terrorists and criminals, they sue 12 year olds for something that isn’t causing trouble to anyone. Meanwhile, there’s four Arabs loose in this country planning to terrorize. Yet, we worry about file sharing. Priorities people.

See, this lawsuit business was thought up by some clown because record sales dropped. Did those idiots consider that the economy’s in a depression, any maybe people aren’t spending as much? No, the immediately blame file sharing. I’ll bet the children of these people download music themselves. What nonsense. DO NOT BE AFRAID.

Nothing Doing

It’s been very boring around here lately. There was nothing interesting to post so I figured while I actually have time (before the schoolwork gets crazy), I’d write a post about how nothing is happening. Come home, do work, then go on here and update this useless site. New thingy of the month of September: Remember: I’m right, you’re wrong.