Tag: Stupidity
Get a Life, Bro
This joker in Dallas is already in line to pick up his pre-ordered iPhone 4. Launch date is when? The 24th? You’ve got like 6 days. Make yourself useful in this world.
Only Apple creates these kind of problems
If you get run over following Google’s walking directions, you deserve to die
A Utah woman used Google Maps’ walking directions on her Blackberry and was given directions to walk onto a highway. She got hit and is now suing Google for damages. –Fortune
People who sue Google because they get run over by a car while following walking directions deserve to die. Period. What you don’t do is live and then sue Google. Can’t this idiot see the HUGE warning disclaimer that the directions are in beta and to use caution? Apparently not. Besides, what pedestrian walks on a highway? I don’t care if Google told me to jump off a cliff – you need to pay attention to your surroundings. It’s like that fucking idiot who followed his GPS onto railroad tracks, then bitched when he got hit by a train. If Google loses this lawsuit, I’m going to kill a kitten.
Social Darwinism – if you are too stupid to pay attention, we don’t want your genes on this planet.
Even More Cablevision Stupidity
Here we go again… Take 3… As of March 7th, Cablevision may no longer carry WABC 7. It’s the usual “we aren’t getting enough royalties” vs “we don’t want to pay you more and increase our customers’ bills” argument. Newsflash, idiots at Cablevision: It’s a broadcast channel! You can get it free over the air with a digital receiver. How are you dropping free content from your cable system? Are we that low?
Historically, this happened with the YES network in 2002, Food Network & HGTV in January 2010 and now this in March? This happened with Time Warner and Fox, but an agreement was reached.
What does this mean for consumers? It’s awful. This is setting a bad precedent. Pretty much, Cablevision will threaten to drop any network it does not want to pay more money to. It only hurts the consumers, because if other companies give in and pay more, the cost gets passed on. If Cablevision drops the channels, customers get angry. This is happening way too frequently, and networks will catch on and use this to force carriers to pay them more. I do see Cablevision’s point, but at the same time, they are just dumb.
At the rate everyone is increasing prices, cable TV will be $300 per month. I say ditch television and watch your shows online.
Who Would Buy This Stupid Ass Mouse?
June 26, 2010
Computer/ Tech Related
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I don’t know about you, but I’m all against using a mouse with 18 fucking buttons. How can you tell which one is which? And where the hell is the left and right click? What the hell is the point of this crap?
This stupid piece of shit is $80. You need to be out of your mind to buy this crap. Today, we’re trying to simplify things, not make things more complicated.
Apple’s mice only have one button. If only all mice looked like this again. Utter simplicity: