Year: 2005 Link Buttons

Big thanks to just dnL and greenwizard88 from the middle_man forums for making me a link button for my site. They are similar and both very good. Greenwizard’s button works better on a light background site while dnL’s button works better on a dark background.

just dnL made this one:
greenwizard made this one:

If you go to the bottom of my links page, I added the buttons and html code that you can copy to your site / Xanga or whatever. Check that out here

No One Cares, But This Deserves a Post

I’m so amazed that I figured out how to fix that nasty little MouseTrax bug where the right click menu would lock up and interfere with other programs menus. Yikes – it was annoying me for a while. It took me a while but I still got it. And being new to the whole programming thing, it’s amazing I figured it out. I still won’t finish this until next year. Now I will give it to people. I was holding off a while

And I promise my future posts won’t be about this dumb program anymore. You’re probably sick of hearing it.

Started MouseTrax

I started my useless program called MouseTrax today. It’s purpose is to count how many times a person clicks the left mouse button, right mouse button, total mouse clicks, scroll wheel scrolls, mouse distance traveled, and total keyboard keys pressed.

Today I did two things. First things first – the layout. I made all the buttons and stuff that the actual program will have. It looks all nice and pretty. Next, I worked on some code to minimize it to the system tray no one wants to see a bug dumb program while it’s counting – it has to be out of the way. That reminds me – I need to make an option to make it start in the tray. That’s later on though with the counting code and the rest of the options box.

Estimated date until I finish this: Mid 2006. I plan to use this project when I take Visual Basic next year. Yes, before you yell at me, I do know C++ is better and more powerful, but it’s much harder to learn.

If anyone wants the completely non functional EXE to see the design, look at the about box etc, just ask me and I’ll give it to you.


Verizon People Are Dumb

So the phone bill comes in and they made a completely retarded mistake.

Here’s the bill. I hilighted the part that’s messed up. Since it’s small I have an image below it showing what the hilighted part said.

The regular monthly charge for my packages is $49.95. With my discount, it goes up to $54.95! First of all, it’s supposed to be a $5 discount, so why did they write 4.50? Traditionally, when you get a discount, you are supposed to lower the price, not raise it! Everyone check your Verizon bills because they are clueless and probably get away with this all the time. A three year old can add and subtract better than the people workng in billing. Honestly…

Just When Everything is Winding Down…

…you get slammed with work. Here I am thinking I’ll have a nice easy last week until break, but no. This past week was awful. And there I was thinking “only 5 more days until a nice week off.” Wrong!!! When you get slapped with three research papers and three assignments for another class, it’s not fun. And these three research papers are only worth one test grade! That’s crazy – it should be worth more.

What can you do? Oh well… There goes my break.