Author: Portfolioso

Hacking Around with FiOS’ Motorola Set Top Boxes

I apologize for this extremely technical post. If you don’t understand technology, go read something else. Otherwise…

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The Science of Goosebumps

This is the most random thing ever but here goes:

This topic astonishes me. Did you ever read something or listen to a certain part of a song that gave you goosebumps? Tonight, I was reading one of my earlier writings and got the chills. The very next line of the writing stated “I keep getting goosebumps whenever I read the previous paragraph.” I didn’t even see that line yet, so it’s not like it was some preconceived notion. Anyway, for you science geeks, have some more info.

This paragraph was originally written about 6 or 7 months ago. As I reread the exact same paragraph tonight, I still got goosebumps. The fact that it still happened now when I forgot the writing even existed amazed me. How can some words on a page when read many months apart cause the same physiological reaction. Simply amazing how the brain works.

This happens a lot with music too. James Gedge once explained this in high school. There was a study of a song that used to give this one man goosebumps. The man then had a stroke, and the song did not affect him in the same way. He wasn’t able “feel” the song anymore. Pretty scary.

Fucking hypothalmus, messing with me… Actually, that’s kind of an important part of the brain. So nevermind.

Verizon Delays Android 2.1 OTA Update

Way back in January, Motorola and Verizon announced that there would be an over the air software push to the Motorola Droid, upgrading it from Android 2.0.1 to 2.1 “soon.” Three months later, and two days ago – we finally heard of a 3/18 release date. Not so much.

This newest version of Android’s OS has new widgets, multitouch, 5 home screens instead of 3, a 3D app drawer (which I think was pulled from the Droid but works on the Nexus One) and live wallpapers (which thye we’rent going to include but decided to). Official notice from Verizon:

The 3/18 OTA software update will not happen as planned. A new date will be communicated as soon as possible.”

While you’re “delaying it,” you might as well add in the new Google Maps 4.1 that was just released yesterday -I heard it’s got some killer improvements. Actually, if they were smart, this should be the reason the update wasn’t released.

There is Nothing Wrong with Your Prius

…And if it keeps accelerating, you are either a stupid moron that should not be allowed to drive, or you are scamming the company and trying to fake a lawsuit.

Toyota claimed that the sudden acceleration incident on a San Diego highway was a hoax and the car was functioning normally.

Toyota revealed its preliminary official findings after investigating the incident and the car, coming to the conclusion tha the accelerator pedal was functioning normally, the front brakes showed severe wear and damage from overheating, the floormat in the car was the correct type but was not installed properly, the push-button start/stop switch worked properly, and that the shift lever also easily engaged neutral, as well as other factors that indicated nothing was at fault mechanically with the Prius involved.” –The Car Connection

Of course there is nothing wrong with the accelerator. Duh! Second of all, this moron was on the phone with 911, and the operator repeatedly told the idiot to put the car in neutral or shut it off. It is so clear this man blatantly ignored it and this was all just a huge lawsuit attempt and publicity stunt. judgment in favor of Toyota.

This Man is a Joke

Have fun, sir

This man is a complete joke. You spend time singing and becoming the 7th inning God Bless America man at Yankee Stadium for so long and then you piss off some Jews, move to Boston and start all over again? This cannot be serious.

In a press conference, Tynan stated “I know you’ve known my record from the other side. But whether you wear pinstripes or red socks, you sing a song about a great country, and that is what it’s really about.”

First of all, it does matter if you wear a sox uniform or pinstripes. Second of all, I’m pretty sure this country is headed to shit.

Keith made a very good point. Tynan started singing God Bless America at Yankee Stadium in 2001. He got “banned” in 2009. What didn’t happen while he was still allowed to sing there? You do the math. Cya!