Author: Portfolioso

It’s 2010, So…

… there are some blog updates. Last January 1, I rolled out some new blog features. Without even trying or planning, I’ve done so again. They are mostly behind the scenes and don’t matter unless you’re me. Yes, I’m selfish like that. I also got rid of the CAPTCHA (the image code thingy you need to enter correctly to post comments). It was annoying and marketing research has shown that no one likes them. Maybe the 4 people who read this will actually comment, now that there’s one less step (doubtful because of the 75328 social media sites around). Seriously though, I hate CAPTCHAs and never got the letters right. There are better ways to block spam – and I’m doing that now. So hit me, spammers – you’ve got nothing.

Oh and resolutions. Expect lots more blog entries this year, like multiple posts per day… About whatever – because this site is pointless, and I will have more free time (possibly). It’s 2:18AM on New Years and I’m sitting home blogging like an asshole. Crazy partayyyyyyyy lots of beautiful women here…

Closing out the Decade

As the decade comes to a close, here is a quick recap of whatever. We’ve come a long way, considering I had dialup internet until 2001 and analog cable until 2005. These are in no particular order and are completely random. I didn’t cover everything and may have missed stuff. I apologize for this book of a post.

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Come on, WordPress…

You know what really pisses me off sometimes? WordPress. Never use the schedule post feature – it’s a useless piece of shit. WordPress allows you to write a draft blog entry and then schedule it to publish at a later date. Every time I do this, it always misses the schedule and then I struggle severely to get it published because it keeps scheduling it. Well maybe I don’t want it scheduled you stupid bitch, I just want it live. I set my end of the decade ramble to publish at 8AM and was supposed to wake up with it here. Instead it’s being a shithead and now I can’t get it published. This also happens on another WordPress blog I maintain. Could be a server setting, but it’s poorly documented. Fix your shit.

Edit. Okay so I Googled this a little bit. Seems like what happens is that WordPress runs a cron (automation) job. There’s a setting in wp-includes/cron.php where it checks every .01 seconds, so if the server is a slow piece of crap and can’t keep up, it misses it. I set it to check less frequently and that might work.

$cron_url = get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron';
wp_remote_post( $cron_url, array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', true)) );

$cron_url = get_option( 'siteurl' ) . '/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron';
wp_remote_post( $cron_url, array('timeout' => 20, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', true)) );

A post (the decade recap) is scheduled for 11:45AM EST. It better work.

Absolutely Useless Update

I was sitting in bed yesterday and something really pissed me off. I had some epic rant about something, and kept thinking to myself how awesome of a blog post it would make -but I can’t remember now… So whatever. I’ll be closing out the decade later on today, so look for another update.

eFollett, This Means War

eFollett is one of the most awful companies around. They exist for the sole purpose to rob poor college students by charging inflated prices for textbooks. At the end of the semester, they either don’t buy them back for real market value or say they have no value. Protip: buy and sell on eFollett will not get another penny from me and I haven’t been to that crook bookstore in two years.

So I’m buying my books for next semester and I can tell you right now, I want to bash my history professor’s skull in and I haven’t even met the man yet. Rather than assigning normal textbooks, I look on the booklist and see the following:

First of all, give me an ISBN, a real title (not the course title) and a real author. It’s doubtful these two books have the same title. The info above tells me nothing. Now I have no choice but to buy these two books from the bookstore because it doesn’t give me enough info to shop elsewhere. I absolutely hate when professors write their own books for the class. I hate it even more when it’s sent to Kinko’s and consists of spiral bound printer paper that they make the bookstore sell for $50. Morons.