Author: Portfolioso
Hello from Iona
Welcome to the coverage of the Iona vs. Fairfield game, reporting live delayed from the Hines Athletic Center. Don’t make fun of me, I am not a trained sportswriter and am not affiliated with anything. I also make poor travel decisions: an evening trip to Westchester, only to go back to school later and then come back to Westchester again the next day. Then Fairfield again the day after that… But that’s not the point.
Few game/ campus notes: The campus security cars went around nonstop with annoying flickering yellow lights that almost gave me a seizure – very unnecessary. The dance team had some Led Zeppelin in their performance which was impressive, but they also had some weird kind of bubbleboy contest. Iona’s old man pep band was interesting and played the Super Mario theme, Family Guy theme and other interesting songs (hint to Fairfield’s pep band – learn new material, it’s getting old hearing Impression 20 times). The stands were a little empty since Iona is still on break until Monday. A few hecklers were picking on Han calling out “blowout” and “Yeager Bombs” (Watch “my new haircut” on Youtube). Although last year, my aunt (a Gaels fan) gave Han shit about his appearance. Now that I’m off topic, this is why I don’t write for the Mirror. Anyway…
The Stags had a decent first quarter: the lead changed 8 times and they were only down by 4. In the second half, it all went downhill for the Stags. Cooley was pissed, the jacket came off and he got ejected. This kid Prodanovic kept hitting 3 pointers and the Stags ended up losing 67-52. 21 turnovers for the Stags. This is terrible coverage by the way – you should check out Keith’s game summary – he knows what he’s talking about, unlike me.
Then we left and went to McDonalds, and Eric L. doesn’t believe that New Rochelle High School is huge and has its own lake/pond. Until next time (actually probably not this was a special treat).
Jersey Tolls
“New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine on Tuesday asked legislators to act quickly to tackle chronic state fiscal woes by increasing tolls on some of the nation’s busiest highways every four years starting in 2010. Corzine unveiled a proposal during his Tuesday State of the State address to the Legislature to increase tolls 50 percent in 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2022.
The increases would be used to help cut state debt and pay for transportation work, and include adjustments to reflect inflation in the years tolls weren’t hiked. After 2022, tolls would increase every four years to also reflect inflation.” -AP
This is a very, very, very bad move. As a resident of New York, I should not be paying for New Jersey’s budget problems with exponential toll increases. Yes, I am using your roads and do understand a toll, but the fares should not be increased by 50% every 4 years. This is horrible for the economy because increasing tolls affect other businesses, such as common carriers. Also, with the weak dollar and inflation, people will be paying more for tolls, but in 2022, the dollar will be worth even less – so this would be an even more devastating impact. Corzine suggested that if tolls are not increased, a 30% sales tax would be an alternative. So this means little kids without jobs buying video games now need to be extorted?
Two possible solutions, and you don’t need to be a politician to figure them out: If you cut spending enough, that should solve the problem without increasing anything. Another solution would be to increase the gasoline tax. It is not right that Jersey gets to have gas that is 30-50 cents cheaper than the rest of the country. If anyone needs to make up for the budget deficit, it should be the Jersey residents who are getting a nice break on gas, while every other state resident is getting taxed up the ass.
Tolls go up, that is understandable – and even if it increases to adjust for inflation, that is fine. But this proposed plan is outrageous.
How Do I Ruined America?
January 24, 2008
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