Author: Portfolioso

Site Fixed

The site is back to normal and that ugly layout is gone. There was a DNS problem and the php includes for the random quotes, logo and menu were not working, causing a timeout for the main page.

Sorry about that.

Site Screwed Up

As you noticed, the main page was loading slowly, the menu was not showing up and there’s some kind of php error. Php is funked up on the server side and I’ll have to email an admin to fix it since I have no physical access to my server. (I did not cause this problem because I didn’t update the layout in a while, so it’s nothing I messed up.)

In the meantime, I have this temporary (very UGLY) layout so the site is functional (because it wasn’t loading before). As soon as this is all fixed I’ll switch the layout back:

You can still access the uploader, files, all news entries and any other bookmark you had.

Sorry about that. It’s weird that other php driven things are working, like my uploader and image gallery.


Yeah… Read this and cry.

I apologize me for my bad English: Today I have been to have to whether to make with some clients that complained about the problems to the computers that have in endowment, affirming that they were restarted to the sudden one without any apparent explanation, causing losses of time and damages to the job, not allowing them to save the current document on which you/they were working (if they were me to feel when I say to save in cuntinuazione the changes everything this it would not happen!). I have wasted time to look for on Internet a program that made a will the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of their cars, submitting her to continuous and perpetual overloads to see if the problem was verified indeed. I looked for a type of called program benchmark that uses him really to make a will the CPU peripheral other e/o, so much to try to understand if the problemapotesse to be the same CPU, the mother card, the Hard Disk in state of terminal coma, or if it simply concerns the unhappy supply of PC choice!! To extreme evil extreme remedies are contrasted… always the benchmark the writing from me in Visual Basic: -)

Anyway – whatever that says…. I just thought it was interesting considering that the Hard Disk can go into a state of terminal coma! And the problemapotesse is the same as the CPU.

Lesson learned: Do not use online translators. It is not even possible for someone to write that. I can understand if someone says excuse my English and has some grammar mistakes. As long as it makes sense, I get the point. but when its complete nonsense, thing sget a little funny.

Unsecured Wifi May Be Outlawed in New York

According to a new proposal being considered in Westchester County, any business or home office with an open wireless connection but no separate server to fend off Internet attacks would be violating the law.

This is absolute nonsense. Anyone who votes in favor of this bill needs to get run over by a car. First of all 75% of people who buy wifi routers are n00bs who have no idea how to secure their network. It would be unfair to pass a law that punishes them. It is not possible to enforce this because so many people have unsecured networks and would be a waste of money. Second off, if people are too dumb to read the documentation and learn how to secure their wireless networks, then they deserve to have others access their network. Let’s make a simple analogy: If you were in the middle of the South Bronx, would you leave your car door open with the key in the ignition? Obviously no, because that’s just asking for some person to walk in and drive away with your car. Same thing goes for wireless – if it’s left vulnerable, you shouldn’t complain if people access it. Any open wireless access point should be considered public.

Politicians in Westchester County are urging adoption of the law–which appears to be the first such legislation in the U.S.–because without it, “somebody parked in the street or sitting in a neighboring building could hack into the network and steal your most confidential data,” County Executive Andy Spano said in a statement.

Andy Spano – resign immediately you ignorant fool. You obviously don’t know anything about computers so don’t make retarded ass statements, you nüb. If a wifi access point is unsecured, someone sitting in the street or in a neighboring building is not HACKING into the network and stealing confidential data. Because it’s unsecured, that means anyone can access it – you don’t have to be a hacker to get onto an open network. That’s like walking into CVS during store hours and getting arrested for burglary. You’re not breaking into the store, but rather shopping in the store. Second off, once you connect to someone’s wifi, chances are they’re too dumb to set up file sharing, so you probably would not be able to get their “most confidential data.” Most likely, you’re just using their Internet. Besides, anyone sophisticated enough to set up file sharing on a network would be smart enough to know that the wifi should be protected.

I’m not done with you asshole politicians in this dumbass county. Stop worrying about people’s wifi and start spending more time prosecuting sick ass online predators who attack and kill children. Worry about people selling crack in Mt. Vernon, worry about securing Indian Point. If I hop onto someone’s network, you’re basically saying I’m a criminal.

Also, Windows XP tends to connect to the strongest available network. So why should some noob be punished if their computer connects to some other person’s network without their knowledge. Smart people would check the XP wireless connection, but noobs would say “LYK ZOMGZ!!11one Teh internet is lyk working. I’m teh computer expert”

If I ever read another news story like again… I don’t even know what I’ll do. That’s how insane it is. This nonsense completely outrages me.

Halloween Pictures

Happy Halloween People (or what’s left of it). Pictures are up from today… Look at them over here. You can also see a 2 second video clip of Goober dressed up as Napoleon Dynamite over here. The gallery is not finished, I still need more pictures of people (including myself – YARRRRRR). So send them over.

Edit: No you can’t. I don’t do media anymore. Well I do, but not the way I used to. Deal with it.