Author: Portfolioso


Here are two images of my schedule so I don’t have to tell different people 100 times. If you want to know the teacher ask me because I do not want to post their names up for everyone to see.

First half:

Second Half:

Rechargeable Batteries

I was very bored today and wrote up a whole page on different rechargeable battery types, tips and explanations of that “memory effect”.

Click here to view it

Traffic Signals for the Blind

White Plains is trying hard to meet the needs of the blind. They have installed those new crossing signals that tweet and chirp.

I have a lot of time to think of useless things such as these (hence this useless website) and realized that this new traffic thing is actually a really stupid thing. According to White Plains’ website, “The ‘chirp-chirp’ is for east-west crossing and the ‘cuckoo’ is for north south crossing. First of all, if you’re blind, how can you tell north from the south and east from west? How does a sightless know their directions? Secondly, most streets don’t go exactly north, south, east or west. So if you have a street going northeast and the bird signal is chirping, which intersection do you cross? Next, it costs like $6,000 per intersection to install this completely moronic device which is a waste of money. Finally, suppose there is a tree nearby and real birds are chirping the exact same pitch of the traffic signal? It happened while I was there and I was like “Wait those are real birds!” Honestly, it’s a wonder theses machines didn’t kill anyone yet (that I know of at least). I think a seeing eye dog will do the trick better then these sounds. I’m not blind and I still can’t figure these signals out (Even I don’t walk around with a compass) – imagine a blind person!!

I hope you do not misinterpret me. I’m all for technology that will help people live better lives and I have nothing against the blind. As a matter of fact, I’m trying to help the blind because this thing is going to get them killed.

The Stupidity of this Country

The United States has posted a $25 million reward for information leading to Saddam’s capture or death and is expected to pay $30 million to the informant who led soldiers to his sons.

Doesn’t anyone think what some Iraqi will be doing with $25 million?? Hmm… Maybe using it to fund terrorism??? Honestly, it’s great that Saddam’s sons are dead and it’s great if we kill Saddam, but the rewards are such a waste of money. And people forget that even if Saddam is dead there is still plenty of resistance in Iraq. Saddam isn’t the only one in Iraq who hates the US, so if we killed him, many others (that are rich) would be willing to take over. Like Jay Leno once said: “The new book that lists all countries in the world that hate the US is the World Almanac.”

Edit: Iraq had no weapons. Saddam was a douche to his people but didn’t do anything to us as there was no link to terrorism, so why get involved? Bush fails.

Microsoft Windows Is A F****** Piece of Shit

Wow… Where do I begin?? By The way, I have posted about a Microsoft mishap already (it’s still in my old news section). I was complaining about Windows then and here’s another one.

My mom was typing something for work and I told her to check her email. So when I opened Internet Explorer, bingo… A complete system lockup.

Unfortunately my mom didn’t save her work and I had to rely on Microsoft Word’s autorecover (never rely on Microsoft) which is just as unreliable as the rest of Windows because it didn’t recover much.

Of course I got into a shitload of trouble because it’s all my fault that this happened as I am the one who coded Windows. (Sarcasm, if you didn’t know) But I’ll be forgiven.

Down with Microsoft – that unstable shit. If your computer doesn’t crash within the next minute, go to