Author: Portfolioso

Apple Tries to Block Android 4.0 in the US; Two Months Late

Mashable-Applejust sued Samsung in a California court over alleged patent infringement. The offending product, according to Apple: theGalaxy Nexus, the world’s first phone to run Android 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich.”If successful in its lawsuit, Apple could block the phone from being sold in the U.S.,Reutersreports.

Little too late there Apple. See, the phone has actually been out for months already. But if you want to block future sales of it, go for it. I have mine already. They really Samsung they infringed Siri? Fuck off. Siri is a bunch of bullshit. It’s all eye candy and for fun andshouldn’tbe taken seriously. Android had voice recognition for years, they just didn’t call it anything. Siri is like 4 months old. Nonsense.

Fuck software patents and Fuck Apple. They are hindering creativity. Instead of people just making what they think is the best phone, you have to be careful to not infringe anyone’s patents. Which means your device will probably suck. Fuck it. If you’re smart enough to come up with similar technology, go for it. Fucking idiotic United States…

PS – POORLY written article. They are suing Samsung, not Google. So how is that “trying to block Ice Cream Sandwich” when that’s Google’s thing.

Study Says Android Users Constantly Bring Their Phones to the Shitter

Mashable-Areportby marketing agency 11mark found that three in four people are texting, emailing and even talking on the phone while in the bathroom. In fact, about 25% of Americans said they always bring their phone into the restroom.However, the survey conducted among 1,000 Americans revealed thatAndroidusers are slightly more likely to use their phones in the bathroom compared to other device owners. About 87% of Android users have used their phone while going to the bathroom compared with 84% ofBlackBerryusers and 77% ofiPhoneusers.

I mean… It’s better thanbringing your laptop to the shitter

I really don’t see what the big deal is. It’s not like you’re going to wipe your ass on your phone. As long as you follow the golden rules, you’re good:

  1. Start shit
  2. Use phone (not for calls, asshole)
  3. Put phone away in a pocket
  4. Wipe ass
  5. Flush toilet
  6. Wash hands
  7. Leave shitter
Phone is unaffected. Very simple. Now if you’re like wiping your ass in one hand while playing Words with Friends in another, that’s just grimy. I don’t see how only Android people have this mentality.

PS – guaranteed that 25 Apple fanboys will call me nasty.

Fidel Castro Hit The Nail on the Head


This fucking crazy bastard couldn’t have said it better: “The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is, and I mean this seriously, the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.”


You’re God damn right, Fidel! We have a bunch of fuck ups running for the Republican nomination. I mean, did you hear these fucking jokers at the debate? Romney was like “I’d thank heavens if he croaked and the people will celebrate when he meets his maker” Newt was like “Hey Mitt, you’re full of shit, he’s going to hell” and Santorum was like ‘HERP DERP I’d keep those sanctions and give them mountains of aid once hisregimeis gone. Fuck those commies” Really? Lets give the Cubansmountainsof aid, you fucking jokeshop. It’s not like we don’t have fucking homeless people every 3 inches in NYC…

Seriously listening to those three assholes hurts my brain. Ron Paul is the only guy that made sense. Why are we holding a grudge against Cuba for shit they did in the 60s? Fucking trade with them. I want some cigars and shit.

PS – because of this quote, I am now Pro-Cuba and anti United States.

Liberty is Gone: The Gov’t Can Force You to Reveal Encryption Passwords

TechCrunch – In July, [TechCrunch]about an ongoing case wherein a woman accused of fraud was being asked by the prosecution to provide the password to access her computer’s data, which otherwise would remain encrypted and unreadable, weakening their case. They got permission to compel her to reveal the password, but the defense said that it was unconstitutional to do so, as providing that information was essentially self-incriminating testimony.

So, doing what Judges are made to do, Judge Robert Blackburn made a decision: the Fifth Amendment is not implicated by requiring production of the unencrypted contents of the Toshiba Satellite M305 laptop computer.

This is a joke. You know how many times in college and they seized my computer because of “suspicious network activity, botnets and viruses?” (all false accusations, mind you). Like three times. They’d shut off my internet, send me a letter from the dean and be like “wah wah wah, we suspect you of X, Y and Z. Give us your computer so we can scan it for viruses and crap and then we’ll reactivate you.” So I did. You know what they found after searching it? Jack shit. Know why? 1) I didn’t do any of the ridiculous shit they were accusing me of and 2) who the hell do they think they are? FBI forensics dudes? Absolutely no way you’re getting my data! If you know what you’re doing, you can get around these things

Judge asshole over here is going to set a precedent that goes something like this: “Well, you don’t have to give us your password, but if you don’t you’re automatically guilty…”

If you know what you’re doing, you can give the password. And it will decrypt the computer. And you will not get caught.It’s calledPlausibleDeniability. Learn about it: the record, I don’t have this set up because I have nothing to hide, but I am aware of it)

My Mouse is Pissing Me Off

I need a new damn mouse. It’s being such a pain in the ass. New random problem: When I middle click to open a link in a new tab, sometimes it sends two click actions and it opens that tab twice. Happens like 30% of the time What the hell… So annoying.