Category: Computer/ Tech Related

Facebook Pisses Me Off Sometimes

Facebook has gone to the shitter, and here’s why. It used to be cool and informative, but now it’s just useless. The recent redesign wrecked things. I am usually a fan of web 2.0 fancy, glittery, pretty AJAXified web apps, hell, I even supported the new looks when everyone hated it. However, I actually learned some usability testing from all that time I spent (checking email and reading Digg) in Systems Design and Implementation class. All the AJAX fancy shit doesn’t help when it’s asynchronously sending “poop wars” notifications back and fourth.

Speaking of notifications, that’s one thing the dev team ruined. Back in the day, notifications were useful and relevant to real life. Now, we get live updates on who became a fan of Edward Cullen and that Jimmy scored a blumpkin on the “Which blowjob are you quiz.” Number 1 pet peeve: They moved the birthdays to Oshkosh, all the way at the bottom on the right column. Well that doesn’t help me, I don’t look there. Put the damn birthdays and other real life useful information on top so we can actually remember things and people won’t hate me. I became enraged when I did my random profile check (for the first time in a while, because I used to have a life before summer break) of someone I haven’t heard from in a few months and realized I missed a birthday by two weeks. Fuck. Well if notifications were engineered better then… I don’t know, it doesn’t matter anyway, it just annoys me.

Random plugs: By the way the Yankees are awesome again, CC is the biggest boss that I’ve seen thus far and I just watched Taken which was a killer movie. Watch it now (yes 5AM) if you haven’t seen it. Oh shit, my server time is an hour off – it says 4AM. I should fix that.

Gotta Love the Bandwidth Cap

One week left until I peace for spring break and we have a little condition here – the regression to 1997 internet speeds. Thanks to our wonderful network staff and some bandwidth caps (oops, looks like I went over), I get to spend the next 5 days on a 56k connection (I really don’t though if you know what I mean). It was interesting to test load times on a dial-up connection. Let me tell you, I’m pretty damn impressed how snappy this site loaded on dial-up. As far as the rest of the internet… No good. Simple images, web 2.0 pages and especially Gmail take about two minutes to load.

On average, when the network is busy, I’d say we get about 500KBPS to 1MBPS. That’s pretty weak. When it’s empty, individual users can see up to 30MBPS. Of course, with QOS, traffic manipulation and deep packet inspection thanks to this piece of shit, web traffic is still pretty laggy. So that 30MBPS is pretty crippled when your webpages still load slowly.

I have a suggestion for you brainiacs who work in our intertube department. If you knew anything about networking at all, you’d automatically restrict bandwidth at the time of excessive usage, not after the fact. (For example, maybe 200MB+ within certain period of time, or speeds >10MBPS for an extended period. Capping there would literally cut the download off and save bandwidth, not watste it and then cap it later on when it doesn’t matter anymore). This is why our network sucks – when people use too much, they are not capped at the time of excess consumption. Capping me now is pointless. I was even considerate enough to do my [perfectly legal and school related, educational] video download at 4AM on the weekend while everyone was blackout drunk and not using the internet for any academic purposes. Limiting me now is kind of a joke. Although I do thank you guys for not shutting it off completely. That would be an hassle.

Screenshot of a Speakeasy test and NetMeter:

Stop BSing Us, We all Know Steve Jobs is Finished

Face it: The man is in denial and we all fell for it, until yesterday, where he announced he is taking a leave of absence for his health. Quite honestly, everyone is making a big fuss about this and it’s understandable, but it is blatantly obvious that Jobs was completely full of crap. It’s okay though, he just didn’t want to seem weak for the almighty powerful company.

Some bad signs:

  • The man had pancreatic cancer in 2004. I’m sorry, but you just don’t survive pancreatic cancer.
  • He lost weight because of a hormone imbalance? My ass… Stop being in denial
  • Apple withdrew itself from it’s own Macworld Expo and Jobs did not hold the keynote speech.
  • Apple released a vague statement saying something along the lines that it always had a plan for Job’s successor, Jobs is okay, but we just want to throw that out there
  • You ever see a picture of the guy? He is ghastly.
  • Leave of absence? Now it’s just official

So I don’t mean to be negative, and this post is not meant to insult Jobs in anyway. He just wants to keep Apple’s stock up, uhhh…. I mean, he just doesn’t want to share his private health matters with everyone – which is perfectly understandable. predicts the man will not live through this current recession. If he does, it’ll be another miracle.

New Google Favicon

So Google changed their favicon again (the little icon you see by the URL in your browser, and if you don’t see it, stop using Internet Explorer 6). This is something I found interesting because their first one was a skinny blue upper case G which was decent. Last year it was changed to a lowercase purple g. This was supposed to be more modern, but got a lot of complaints for not using Google’s colors. So as of this morning when I woke up (and by morning I mean late afternoon) it has been changed yet again. Now it looks like a complete rainbow and is rather odd. At least it uses Google’s colors, but it’ll take some getting used to. Oh it’s the little things on the internet I point out. Have a look-sy (or just go to google):

Google's New Favicon

Twitter Badge Added to

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates (otherwise known as tweets) which are text-based posts, ranging up to 140 characters long. Updates are displayed on the user’s profile page and instantly delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. The sender can restrict delivery to those in his or her circle of friends (delivery to everyone is the default). Users can receive updates via the Twitter website, instant messaging, SMS, RSS, email or through an application such as Twitterrific or Facebook.

So at first, I heard of Twitter on Diggnation and Kevin Rose was telling everyone to follow him. I was like “this is so dumb.” but the fact that you can text a number (not that I have text messaging) and update your status is really cool. So, I finally get into it and it’s fun to follow peoples updates. Think of it like a diesel Facebook status thing, only you can do more with it.

Anyway, I added a Twitter badge to this site. It’s on the left navigation menu, it’s flash based, my pages are still XHTML strict, it works in IE (piece of crap browser). Ok, so now you all can see my updates to Twitter right from my website., adding more stalkage – one step at a time.