Category: Rants

Fucking Idiot Sells Kidney For iPad 2

Shanghai Daily -A 17-year-old student in Anhui Province sold one of his kidneys for 20,000 yuan only to buy an iPad 2. Now, with his health getting worse, the boy is feeling regret but it is too late, the Global Times reported today.”I wanted to buy an iPad 2 but could not afford it,” said the boy surnamed Zheng in Huaishan City. “A broker contacted me on the Internet and said he could help me sell one kidney for 20,000 yuan.”

This has to be fake, right? Or is someone really this idiotic? I have no further comment other than: sell your second kidney while you’re at it. I’m sure the person who received the kidney is more worthy of living than an idiot who starts chopping himself up for some fanboy device which is going to be obsolete by the end of the year.

PS – 20,000 yuan is like $3,000. You got robbed bro! Kidneys are going for like 80 grand on the black market. At least get your price asshole!I love Social Darwinism. If people like this kill themselves off for a stupid little device, the world will be a better place.

Rush Hour Rant: More Grand Central/MTA Idiocy

Do these MTA jokers ever use their fucking heads? I had to stand in a traffic mob of 800 people for 10 minutes because the idiots who choose which tracks these trains come in on were all gobbling and tripping on shrooms.

Whose brilliant idea was it to unload a packed 7:15 New Haven line train on track 26 while a 7:27 Harlem line train was boarding on track 25. They share the same freaking platform! To make matters worse, the stupid ass New Haven train was also boarding again and pulling right out. So essentially, you have two trainloads of commuters trying to swarm two trains and leave the city and a full NYCbound train trying to unload. Bottleneck central. All on a platform narrower than my driveway. Shit was literally single file and without exaggeration, took 10 minutes to clear. Plus it’s like 97 degrees on those tracks. Jesus Christ.

Saudi Woman Arrested For Posting A Video Of Her Driving

Mashable -A Saudi Arabian woman at the center of a social media campaign protesting a ban against female drivers has been re-arrested after posting a video on the Internet of herself driving.Manal al-Sherif, a 32-year-old woman who launched an Internet campaign against the Saudi ban on female drivers, posted a video clip (below) of herself driving through the city of Khobar last week. On Saturday, religious policearrested al-Sherif, an information technology expert at oil firm Saudi Aramco.

Never really saw eye to eye with those Arab nations before, but banning woman drivers is a brilliant idea. How revolutionary! You know how many accidents this prevents? It’s common knowledge women can’t drive. The nerve of this bitch, getting in a car and going for a spin! And to record herself too. Rebel!

This Microsoft Arc Mouse Looks Shitty (Probably Apple’s Fault)

Why would you buy this carpal tunnel causing, asinine mouse?

This is all Apple’s fault, guaranteed. I fucking hate Apple. Because if Apple didn’t release that shitty assed Magic Mouse thing, Microsoft would not have copied it. Thus, Apple is bringing the tech world backwards. Apple thinks they’re being all innovative by releasing these new crazy products that suck, but everyone loves them because it’s a fashion statement. Then you get other companies trying to be hip and cool too. And what’s the result? A flood of shitty products that all suck.

Thank you Apple.

PS – It took Microsoft two years to copy this. Wow.

I Just Had a Revelation (Regarding Android)

I just had a revelation regarding Android. It’s really simple actually. Follow this advice and Android will be 100% better off in one year than it is now. If you don’t care about tech or don’t want to read tech, just read the bold part.

I don’t care how “open” Android is. Apple is kicking its ass because its UI is clean and straightforward AND there are no bloated apps preinstalled on iPhones. So there’s a simple, two part solution to this that I am proposing. Google needs to get their thumbs out of their asses, grow some balls and restrict the following:

  • Carriers may NOT lock down bloatware apps per device. They can pre-install it, but the user should be able to remove it without rooting the phone.
  • Device manufacturers may NOT install custom user interfaces (Samsung’s Touchwiz, Motorola’s MotoBlur and HTC’s Sense) by default. All phones should ship with Vanilla (Google’s default theme)

The problem is that all iOS devices look the same and thats why it’s so easy to use an iPhone. But if I pick up an HTC Android, Samsung Android or Motorola Android – they all look completely different. The menu buttons on the bottom are all in random orders. The user interfaces look different – some apps are displayed left to right, some are up and down, the icons on each one look completely different. What the hell is that all about? Google needs to partner up with carriers andmanufacturersand be like “fucking listen – do shit the way we say because otherwise Apple will urinate all over us.”

Another thing. Mother fuck Verizon and Sprint for pre-installing a bunch of bullshit apps that users cannot remove. That’s some pair of balls. I’m paying $400 for an advanced phone and $80/month for service and you put my shit on lockdown? I don’t need the fucking VCast app store because there’s the Android market (Apple only has one app store). I don’t need Verizon Backup Assistant on the grounds that I can already back up my contacts to Gmail because, um, maybe it’s fucking built right in to Android already?! This defeats the purpose of an “open” phone.

This is why I will personally root any Android phone I get just to give a big F you to these carriers for 1) locking things down to begin with and 2) overcharging.

You’ve heard me rant about skinning Android and how Verizon Android Phones Suck (and suck more). But this can all be resolved. I went to the Verizon store to use a Droid Charge. It was a really nice phone. Too bad Touchwiz is a wannabe iPhone ripoff (it does look decent I have to admit, but I’d rather use the native skin). HTC Sense looks like asshole. MotoBlur is eh and the icons look like garbage.

So Google – lock down your shit becauseAndroid’s#1 problem is fragmentation. Listen to me and that fragmentation will be reduced. You’re welcome Google. Please hire me.