Category: Rants
April Fools, Jokers
No, my site wasn’t seized by the Made up bureaucratic department of bullshit/ waste of money to make us feel safe when it really doesn’t matter and if we didn’t fuck around in other countries’ business to obtain oil, no terrorists would attack us anyway eliminating the need for this department in the first place which would save us billions of dollars and everyone would be better off Department of Homeland Security.
It’s was April fools day jokers. You should have known better. I mess with my site every year. Enjoy.
We Have Better Things to Do than to Fuck Around in Libya
See this is why I don’t vote. Because it just doesn’t matter who you vote for. Democrat, Republican – they’re all full of shit. Barack Obama brought about no change. It’s still the same exact United States sticking its same nose in business that doesn’t concern them. I mean Bush was a friggin moron, but I don’t see what Obama is doing differently. Plus, at least it was politically correct to make fun of Bush. Make fun of Obama and you’ve got enemies. I’ll just stop here.
For example:
- Imposing a no fly zone over a country is an act of war.
- The US never gotCongress’ approval to declare war
- This attack occurred on the exact same date 8 years ago that the US started bombing Iraq. Hmm. Curious.
- The United States cannot afford the financial burden of more military action in the Middle East.
It’s not rocket science. This is why everyone in the world hates the United States. UH DUHHHHH. This country has no right to do anything thousands of miles away. We have no right deciding what is right and what is wrong in other countries and just bombing shit. Let the UN and/or people in that area handle it. Fuck that noise.There’s enough shit to worry about here and we’re out to control the world and make them do what we want. Fuck ’em. Let them do whatever the hell they do there in Libya.
So my question is, who the hell is really running this country, because obviously nothing changed. It’s all a big ass joke. Looks like the same shit to me. It’s like Harry Potter or some shit. All these presidents end up like Mad Eye Moody in book 4 – Imperious Curse and locked in a box for 4-8 yeara while animpostor takes a Polyjuice Potion and pretends to be the president but then gets all up in the Middle East’s grill…
PS – @Shavingfoams thinks I don’t know where Libya is. I do, joker.
If These People Got In My Way At the Supermarket, There’d be Problems
This my friends is a bunch of bullshit. I’m already impatient when old bastards walk too slow or block the aisles, but this is too much.
This is some real life Glee bullshit, and you know how I feel about Glee.
Please explain to me how this is possible…
I think I just spit in my eye. What. The. F?
So I had some grape juice and then went to go take a shower and for some reason, I had to spit because the grape juice made my mouth weird. So to do this tastefully (because I’m not a damn slob), I go to brush my teeth, lean over a sink, run the water and plan on spitting right down the drain.
Nope. The spit is like a damn bungee cord and slings right back up and into my fucking eye. Who the hell spits in their own eye? I can’t even make this shit up because I’m not that creative. I guarantee you this has not happened to anyone else ever. Like seriously… How is this possible? I’m bent over a sink spitting downward with force and it goes up and lands in my eye. It’s not like I pointed my head up and spit in the air and had it land on my face. JEEZ… Screw you physics, I’m too good for you. I’m going to go around defying your ass.
PS – This is a prime example of why you’re supposed to swallow, ladies.
I’m Going on a Spring Sphere Hunt Next Weekend…
April 14, 2011
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Jesus Christ! I have no words for this shit. Reading these articles makes my blood boil. What the fuck is a spring sphere? It’s like holiday tree…same line of bullshit. All of these efforts to be politically correct are nonsense… Politically correct from what… It’s more incorrect to make up bogus names for things. That’s just straight ig’nant, dawg…
Really though. How is it offensive? They are objects. Christmas tree. Menorah. Easter Egg. Kwanzaa made up thing that is essentially a copy of a Menorah.Dreidel. Heh… I think I’m going to start calling Dreidels Jewish tops because I’m not Jewish and the fact that I need to say a Hebrew word just offends me. </sarcasm>
Second of all, this little 16 year old is partially at fault. Who the hell asks a teacher for permission to call Easter Eggs… Easter Eggs?! How’d that conversation go?”Uhh ‘scuse me. Like… Is it ok if I do an activity with Easter Eggs and call them that?” “BLASPHEMY? Hellz no! That is just plain offensive to any non Christian. Not in my classroom, sister!” Second, she chose to not name the school? I’d virally spread how much of a damn joke that school is. Third, I just wouldn’t listen. I’d yes the teacher to death and then I’d walk in and be like “SURPRISE! We’re going on an Easter Egg hunt you little fuckers!” What’s the teacher going to do, kick me out? I’m volunteering. And props to those little kids who were like “screw that it’s an Easter egg”
Shameful day in the US of A. Shameful… We can watch people killing each other on tv and in Bridgeport, but it’s wrong to say Easter Egg… Jesus Christ.