Tag: Apple
Fuck Apple’s Magic Trackpad and Fanboys at TechCrunch Who Say the Mouse is Dead
You know what’s a pain in the ass about laptops? Fucking touchpads. You need to get used to them because each one is different and they generally suck. They’re only there for convenience and they’re better than that stupid nipple trackpoint mouse (SFW) that IBM used to use back in the day. In four years, trackpads fucking wear out.
Then you get Apple which releases this “stylish” stupid piece of shit. Please explain to me why anyone with a desktop would want to put a freakin touchpad on it? And wireless to eat through expensive batteries? Who would also waste $69 on something so useless? You’ll get carpal tunnel using that pitched piece of crap.
On Thursday, my news feeds from the tech sites I read daily all blew up with the announcement of this fucking contraption. Of the 4 tech blogs I subscribe to on my RSS there had to be at least 12 bloggers write 20 posts about it. It almost made me rage. I was trying to read Barstool’s guess that ass, check out the smokeshow of the day and smut news in general but all I saw was this stupid thing.
This touchpad isn’t even revolutionary since it’s been done before. Apple just took the concept and put multitouch and bluetooth in it and released it knowing stupid brainwashed morons will buy it.
Then you get this jerkoff Apple fanboy MG Siegler over at TechCrunch who writes an article that the mouse is dead because of this revolutionary new product, and how kids growing up only use trackpads so the mouse will die. Next, people call him an asshole and Mr. Flip Flop took it all back was like “Yeah, it’s going to be a slow process, but the mouse will still die. It’s just a mouse – stop complaining. Oh, and it’s still amazing.” What an asshole.
NEWS FLASH MG Shithead: How do you play games on a touchpad? How do you edit audio with precision? Video? You can’t. The mouse is far from dead. You have these $80 laser precision 6000DPI mice that are way beyond my need or comprehension and you want everyone to switch to a half assed touchpad? What are we going backwards? Touchpads are good for laptops and touchscreens are the future for mobile platforms. But not desktops. Period.
Apple never fails to make me rage.
Shut Up About the iPhone 4’s Antenna Issues Already
If you haven’t heard that this phone is a fuckin shitpile by now, you are either Hellen Keller, dead or living here. There have been 300 articles per minute on my newsreader since June 24th about how the antenna is shitty. We get the point.
Now Steve Jobs felt the need to call an emergency press conference today at 10AM PST with less than a day notice so he can address these issues. Anything other than “I fucked up” or “We are not as amazing as everyone thinks because we have obsessed, blind followers” is a downright lie.
- We already know Steve Jobs originally emailed a person and told them to hold it another way (what a dick)
- We already know that an Apple engineer warned Jobs about the issue but Jobs ignored it
- Even Chuck Schumer wrote an open letter to Apple telling them they suck ass
Here’s my problem with Apple. No matter how good or bad they are, people are obsessed. And any time there is news, it’s all the rage.
Ok people? Got it? It has an antenna problem, Jobs was warned, and he was a dick with PR about it. What more is there to analyze? So with that, no one cover this any more, I’m tired of reading it.
The Best Phone Advice I’ve Seen In A While
Courtesy of the guys over at Engadget (referencing the Consumer Reports article on how duct tape fixes the iPhone 4 antenna problem):
Don’t buy anything that needs duct tape to work properly. DO NOT BUY an iPhone 4 until this problem is fixed. And then still don’t buy one because AT&T is awful. Buy an Android instead.
iOS 4 Multitasking is Full of Shit
It’s not real multitasking. It pretty much pauses the app in the background and focuses on the frontmost app. Plus, Apple needs to approve it in the App Store and if they don’t like what you’re doing (such as connecting to servers in the background), they can kill it.
In addition, let’s examine the footnote. The App needs to be rewritten for iOS 4 to take advantage of this. Therefore, it requires the programmer to update the software. On a Droid, you can just multitask anyway with old and new apps.
I had a complete ramble about this a few week ago, but WordPress was an asshole and lost it. I also have no energy to rewrite it.
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Dirtbags at Apple are Screwing with MacBook Air SSDs
July 25, 2011
Computer/ Tech Related, Rants
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Fucking Apple, putting inferior SSDs in its 13″ MacBook Airs. Probably trying to keep costs down but sell it for so much more money. Bastards.