Tag: Stupidity
Yeah… Read this and cry.
I apologize me for my bad English: Today I have been to have to whether to make with some clients that complained about the problems to the computers that have in endowment, affirming that they were restarted to the sudden one without any apparent explanation, causing losses of time and damages to the job, not allowing them to save the current document on which you/they were working (if they were me to feel when I say to save in cuntinuazione the changes everything this it would not happen!). I have wasted time to look for on Internet a program that made a will the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of their cars, submitting her to continuous and perpetual overloads to see if the problem was verified indeed. I looked for a type of called program benchmark that uses him really to make a will the CPU peripheral other e/o, so much to try to understand if the problemapotesse to be the same CPU, the mother card, the Hard Disk in state of terminal coma, or if it simply concerns the unhappy supply of PC choice!! To extreme evil extreme remedies are contrasted… always the benchmark the writing from me in Visual Basic: -)
Anyway – whatever that says…. I just thought it was interesting considering that the Hard Disk can go into a state of terminal coma! And the problemapotesse is the same as the CPU.
Lesson learned: Do not use online translators. It is not even possible for someone to write that. I can understand if someone says excuse my English and has some grammar mistakes. As long as it makes sense, I get the point. but when its complete nonsense, thing sget a little funny.
More Ignorance
I was enraged when I read the following bulletin that was posted on Myspace. How ignorant can people be? Read this nonsense:
Subject: Under age users
Hi Folks,
As you may have noticed, many myspaces have been deleted. This is due to the underage users that abuse the privileges of myspace. I understand that there are many memories from myspace that are irreplaceable so i lowered the age to 14. Please pass this on because we have attached a !!special tracking device!!. If you repost this, you will be safe from being deleted. If you don’t repost this, you will be tracked and your myspace will be searched throughly for underage users. Repost this message saying “Underage Users”. Thank youMyspace Creator,
First of all, some moron writes something claiming to be Tom and everyone believes it. This is why phishing is so successful – people believe everything and give away their info. First of all, explain to me how can a !!special tracking device!! can be attached to a stupid website? There’s no such thing as a special tracking device. Even if there was one, how would it get your age? The only way people get their myspaces deleted are by RATS that report them. Otherwise, they don’t know if you’re 12, 18 or a 59 year old pedophile. Secondly, whats with the special !!exclamation points before and after!! the word tracking device? I don’t know what language you speak, but in English, one exclamation point goes after the sentence. But I’m sure that in dumbass-lish, it probably translates to “ZOMG this needs to lyk stand out. lyk OMGZs its lik 1300% true iffff notytt I’ll lyk dyyyyyEEEE” (Yeah that wasn’t supposed to make sense).
Anyway this rant is a follow up to my chain letter rant, because nothing pisses me off more than ignorant people who fall for internet rumors and keep reposting chain letters. Maybe if I got this once I’d let it slide, but when 30 people repost the same thing, it shows me that morons really believe that it’s true. The U.S. really need to make a law that bans these morons from the internet.
I hate Myspace. It’s corrupting people.
Ignorant People
99% of computer users are completely ignorant. I got a forwarded email message warning me “LYK OMGZ lyk da WOrsT ViRuSSz eVA!!!”
Out of the 400 people it was emailed to, you think someone would realize that this is complete bullshit. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a virus to physically destroy your hardrive. Yes, it can mess up your software and make you lose data, but it will not destroy the actual piece of hardware. Even if this was a real virus (it probably isn’t), a fresh reinstall of windows and format would solve everything. So stop sending this crappy email around and don’t waste your time or mine! And only morons/n00bs get computer viruses by doing stupid things and not knowing the basics of security. I don’t have any anti-virus software and you don’t see me with a virus.
Check out how retarded this is:
PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST !!A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee and no vaccine has yet been developed. This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where vital information for its functioning are stored.
This virus acts in the following manner:
It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title:
“A Card for You”.As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened the computer freezes so that the user has to reboot . When the ctrl+alt+delkeys or the reset button are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying the hard disk. Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in New York, according to news broadcast by CNN.
This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft itself.
So don’t open any mails with subject: “A Virtual Card for You.” As soon as you get the mail, delete it!! Even if you know the sender !!!Please ! pass this mail to all of your friends.
Forward this to everyone in your address book. I’m sure most people, like myself, would rather receive this notice 25 times than not at All
HAHAH!!! First off, “No vaccine has been developed.” I didn’t know you can inject your computer with a needle to get rid of computer viruses. Secondly, sector zero is the most phony made up BS I’ve ever heard of – only noobs would fall for something like that. Anyone who believes this completely bogus email DESERVES a virus and should be banned from computers for life. And the ignoramus who made this crap up can’t even get the source straight – first it’s CNN then Microsoft then McAffee. Go back to 7th grade and take a creative writing course – I’ve heard five year olds make up better stories. And finally, “I’m sure most people, like myself, would rather receive this notice 25 times than not at All” – I will strangle someone if this gets sent back to me. It probably originated from some ignorant AOL user nüb.
And now as Stong Bad would say: “DELETED!!!”
Fake Virus Stupidity
November 1, 2006
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I am sick and tired of deleting fake, annoying email rumors that stupid ignorant people blindly forward to others. Some moron with a big imagination writes some dumb email that makes no sense at all if read carefully. Other morons believe and chain-forward it to everyone. Save yourself some time – don’t forward me your crap. Also save me time from deleting it, getting enraged, raising my blood pressure and
1) CNN doesn’t know anything about any virus
2) Does it literally “burn” your disk? What does it do, set it on fire or something?
3) Microsoft doesn’t classify viruses
4) it wasn’t discovered by McAffee yesterday because I have been getting this email for 3 weeks, and it’s been around since 2001.
5) “It’s better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus” No it’s better to shut the f*** up and stop spamming my inbox.
6) “Don’t open it and shut down your computer immediately” Oh no! I got an email. Looks like i have to turn my computer off now. because even if i didn’t open it, the email told me to shut down my computer. Go kill yourself.
7) What the hell is sector Zero? I’d say it’s…… Nothing! It’s made up bullshit.
8) “the moment you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!” Simply opening an email will not suddenly crash your computer. An email is a text or html rendered message. If you download an attachment and run it, you could get a virus, but by opening an email, nothing will happen.
9) Anyone who believes this needs to have their computer smashed over their ignorant skull.
10) I’m even more disturbed that the Chief engineer for some company sent this out to all employees. Chief engineer of “spread fake nonsense around”
11) The message itself is a “social” virus, because it is spreading by ignorant people.
EDIT: I tagged this post as malware, because it represents a human social stupidity virus. It’s bad for me to read and enrages me. So it’s malware.
Please refer back to my other rand on the same thing: http://portfolioso.com/2005/08/31/ignorant-people-2/