Year: 2009

Still No Class for the NY Mets

In my free time of syllabus week (in between old episodes of the Sopranos and other activities), Keith and I spent some time taking a look at new Yankee Stadium and it looks sick. The 2009 inaugural season patch was rolled out today and is very well done.
2009 Inaugural Patch vs. Garbage vs. Dominos

As you can see, the Mets patch is bland and is very comparable to Domino’s Pizza. Our online staff at the Mirror can design a better, more sophisticated logo that doesn’t consist of a rounded rectangle, two colors and some plain text. This is an absolute embarrassment. First, they sell out to Citicorp, build a new stadium that looks more like a parking garage, then accept a half-assed, bland logo designed by some blind bailed out accountant at Citi. Honestly now.

Date Fixed

Yeah no one cares, but I fixed my date format on the posts for the main page on my site. Before today, it was shown as “2009-01-11 14:37:49” which is pretty gross. That’s because that’s how it’s stored in the database when I make posts and I just dump it from there to the main page without formatting. I was too lazy to throw some php together to format it properly. But now it’s all set so we can see in plain English when exactly I saw my posts. Wooo. This is what I do instead of useful things. But classes are tomorrow so see ya later.

Edit – So I had a bug where only the first digit of the date was printing. January 10th, or 11th would show up as January 1. That’s all fixed now.

And Boom, There Goes Winter Break

Winter break flew by really quickly. So on my last night home, what am I doing? Enjoying my last night of quality entertainment of FiOS TV on demand and neutral internet before I go back behind China’s Firewall. (if you don’t get my reference, China restricts internet access, so I was making an analogy to my school’s internet vs my neutral FiOS). Also, not that I watch TV at school, but I’m pretty damn spoiled. I go from pure, uncompressed digital with everything on demand to a whopping 40 fuzzy analog channels. Other than that, my break was pretty chill and decent. It was good to come home and get a change of scenery. On the other hand, it’s also good to get back into a routine so I don’t feel like a bum. So that shall be all. I came home in snow and I leave in snow. Woo. Except we never get a lot and I’m greedy. One other thing: I am writing a lot recently. I’m telling you – it’s the new admin interface. beautiful. When you have a good system, you want to use it more. Now lets hope I only write useful, interesting things from now on and not bore out the 3 people who actually read this.

New Google Favicon

So Google changed their favicon again (the little icon you see by the URL in your browser, and if you don’t see it, stop using Internet Explorer 6). This is something I found interesting because their first one was a skinny blue upper case G which was decent. Last year it was changed to a lowercase purple g. This was supposed to be more modern, but got a lot of complaints for not using Google’s colors. So as of this morning when I woke up (and by morning I mean late afternoon) it has been changed yet again. Now it looks like a complete rainbow and is rather odd. At least it uses Google’s colors, but it’ll take some getting used to. Oh it’s the little things on the internet I point out. Have a look-sy (or just go to google):

Google's New Favicon

Addressing New 2009 Blog Changes and Features

I didn’t exactly post about the updates to this blog for 2009, but I’d like to address two new features that have been added. Before I get to them, to clarify, and the blog are not the same. The blog contains all my posts, and the latest blog post gets fed to my homepage. The website is the same (black layout). The changes being discussed are with the blog. Anyway, On the backend, the blog was updated to WordPress 2.7, which is absolutely ballin’. But that doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect users, only me with my uber admin posting panel. Things that do affect you:

  • New Layout – The other one was ugly, purple and hard to navigate. This one is sleek and cool. It’s also better at CSS and XHTML. Awesome.
  • Paginator – What the hell is that? Well if you scroll to the bottom of the blog, it dynamically generates links to the next few pages of posts rather than an “older posts” link. This lets you skip ahead more easily. You can also go back. It’s intelligent, so if you’re on page 8, it will generate links to the pages surrounding it. So if you’re on page 5 of my posts, you’ll see: [First]…[Previous] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [Next]…[Last].
  • Collapsing Archives – The blog goes back to 2003 and it listed every month. That’s way too much and you had to scroll 3 miles to get to the bottom. So I now have a collapsing archive menu on the side which is sweet and has everything, but it’s animated, collapses and saves space. Woo.
  • Search – I think I had a search but it stunk. This one’s integrated nicely on the top right
  • Captcha – Sorry about this one. I was getting a lot of random registrations and added this to prevent spam. Now you need to read an image and type it into a box to register and post comments. Don’t worry, it’s not that hard
  • Tag Cloud – I’m trying to turn this into more of a credible (haha, well technologically advanced) blog, so I added a tag cloud with specific topics and things I discuss frequently. Check it on the right menu. The bigger words have more posts. It’s neat.

I think that’s about it. I like the new features so much I might actually blog more, and be more serious and professional about it. Have fun!