Category: Rants
Hey James, Nice Neck Fat
Why don’t you go use the 200 million that Cablevision is saving by not negotiating an agreement with WABC 7 and go get some liposuction. Thank goodness I have FiOS. I could actually care less about WABC 7 – there’s nothing on there that I watch. It’s just the principle. 1) TV is way too expensive. 2) Dolan is a greedy bastard and 3)People need to start using the internet to watch shows, because this is out of control. If this keeps up, every channel will be a-la-carte. Any network can threaten a cable operator for more money and if no deal is reached, pull their channel. Just to clarify – ABC actually pulled the channel. Yes they’re asking for more money, and usually, the costs are passed to the person. I kind of see Dolan’s point trying to keep prices low, but you can’t go screwing your customers out of channels – especially when your company makes BANK. 200 million is nothing when your profits are over $8 billion.
P.S – I still don’t forgive you for making me miss the 2002 Yankee season, asshat.
Thanks, Dream
You ever have a dream where you are traveling towards something you want but you either never get there or it keeps getting further away from you? Yeah you have, those are common, and they suck.
But only my disturbed mind creates dreams worse than that. If I had the power to control people’s dreams I wouldn’t even put this shit into the head of someone I can’t stand. It’s just cruel.
So take the first paragraph, except instead of never getting what I want, I do get it. Yay! Sounds good right? Yeah, well 5 seconds later, it disappears. And for the next who knows how long, I am frantically trying to get it back. Walking far, looking in different rooms. Nothing. Empty. I mean, I slept through my two roommates alarms, people walking and the assholes upstairs doing their P90X workout video. Usually I wake up. But no, I kept sleeping because something was trying to piss me off.
Fuck you, dream. I know I have this issue in real life. I’m working on it. You don’t need to taunt me about it in my sleep, when I should be resting. I mean, this shit’s horrifying. I’ve had nightmares (not recently – more as a kid) where aliens killed me, I was murdered, ghost haunted me, I was burned to death, dead people yelled at me for being an asshole, disasters, etc – you get the point. Those don’t bother me. This just annoyed the crap out of me. Then you wonder why I stay up all night…
Bad Engineering: Floor Ducts
Please explain to me why anyone would put AC/heat ducts on the floor. They belong on the wall a few inches above ground. And this rant starts my new series “Bad Engineering” where I will rant about dumbass engineers who don’t use common sense when building stuff. And make sure you have a strong stomach before reading on.
Why it’s bad
I live in a college house with 5 guys. College guys shit a lot. Our toilet clogs every 43 minutes. When it overflows, where does the water go? Right into the stupid hole in the floor. I’m pretty sure it’s bad for water to go into our furnace. Then we wonder why this house smells like mold, piss and shit. I’m pretty sure we’ve had drunks piss and puke down those ducts at some point. Don’t even get me started with the kitchen. I’ve seen crumbs, hot dogs, potato chips and eggs get emptied into them. It’s nasty and uncalled for, and wouldn’t happen if some dipshit engineer put them on a vertical wall off the ground.
Put them on the wall about a foot off the ground. Problem solved. It’s not that hard.
Soda Tax?
March 14, 2010
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No, tell Albany to worry about more important things
You know what pisses me off? Useless taxes. The Alliance for Healthier New York needs to stop wasting taxpayer money on their moronic ad campaign that is lobbying Albany to pass a fat tax.
If I want to ruin my health and eat and drink things that are bad for me all the time, that is my problem. I am fully aware that soda ruins my health. Why should I be forced to pay a penny per ounce tax because some stupid organization is trying to make people healthier? If people can’t keep themselves healthy, that is their problem.
Newsflash: Raising taxes will not prevent all these porkers from drinking their soda. It’s just an inconvenience. This idiot organization thinks that it will cause a 10% decrease in soda consumption? Absolutely not. Don’t these people understand that all of these extra taxes actually ruin the economy more?
By the way, happy Pi day! Go stuff your face with fattening pies you unhealthy fool.
Edit: Okay, so according to an article in the New York Times, an increase in soda price makes people healthier. Give me a break… It’s your decision just stop taxing me