Month: March 2010

There is Nothing Wrong with Your Prius

…And if it keeps accelerating, you are either a stupid moron that should not be allowed to drive, or you are scamming the company and trying to fake a lawsuit.

Toyota claimed that the sudden acceleration incident on a San Diego highway was a hoax and the car was functioning normally.

Toyota revealed its preliminary official findings after investigating the incident and the car, coming to the conclusion tha the accelerator pedal was functioning normally, the front brakes showed severe wear and damage from overheating, the floormat in the car was the correct type but was not installed properly, the push-button start/stop switch worked properly, and that the shift lever also easily engaged neutral, as well as other factors that indicated nothing was at fault mechanically with the Prius involved.” –The Car Connection

Of course there is nothing wrong with the accelerator. Duh! Second of all, this moron was on the phone with 911, and the operator repeatedly told the idiot to put the car in neutral or shut it off. It is so clear this man blatantly ignored it and this was all just a huge lawsuit attempt and publicity stunt. judgment in favor of Toyota.

This Man is a Joke

Have fun, sir

This man is a complete joke. You spend time singing and becoming the 7th inning God Bless America man at Yankee Stadium for so long and then you piss off some Jews, move to Boston and start all over again? This cannot be serious.

In a press conference, Tynan stated “I know you’ve known my record from the other side. But whether you wear pinstripes or red socks, you sing a song about a great country, and that is what it’s really about.”

First of all, it does matter if you wear a sox uniform or pinstripes. Second of all, I’m pretty sure this country is headed to shit.

Keith made a very good point. Tynan started singing God Bless America at Yankee Stadium in 2001. He got “banned” in 2009. What didn’t happen while he was still allowed to sing there? You do the math. Cya!

NCAA Bracket 2010

For what it’s worth. Don’t even bother checking it because it will be dead wrong:

Click for larger version

PS – just realized I left some brackets blank because I’m half dead so: Wisconsin over Cornell, New Mexico over West Va. and Kentucky over all of that.

120,000 Fools Have…

Pre-ordered this useless device, according to Engadget. Refer to my previous rant about how it sucks

Soda Tax?

No, tell Albany to worry about more important things

You know what pisses me off? Useless taxes. The Alliance for Healthier New York needs to stop wasting taxpayer money on their moronic ad campaign that is lobbying Albany to pass a fat tax.

If I want to ruin my health and eat and drink things that are bad for me all the time, that is my problem. I am fully aware that soda ruins my health. Why should I be forced to pay a penny per ounce tax because some stupid organization is trying to make people healthier? If people can’t keep themselves healthy, that is their problem.

Newsflash: Raising taxes will not prevent all these porkers from drinking their soda. It’s just an inconvenience. This idiot organization thinks that it will cause a 10% decrease in soda consumption? Absolutely not. Don’t these people understand that all of these extra taxes actually ruin the economy more?

By the way, happy Pi day! Go stuff your face with fattening pies you unhealthy fool.

Edit: Okay, so according to an article in the New York Times, an increase in soda price makes people healthier. Give me a break… It’s your decision just stop taxing me