Month: November 2011

Sometimes I Wonder Why I Believe In Half of This Shit, Part 2

No one who reads this blog gives any kind of shit about religious readings, but bear with me because I must make amockeryof this utter bullshit of today’s Gospel reading. For those who aren’t interested in reading the whole thing (and I don’t blame you), here’s my quick summary:

There’s this wedding and you have these 10 virgins who are going to meet the bridegroom. It’s a night journey, so they grab their lamps and 5 people bring lamp oil and are prepared, 5 people are scatterbrained and forget the oil. Theyeventuallyrun out of oil and ask the others for help and the first 5 bros are like “fuck off and buy some, we’re not giving you any.” Then they find Jesus, who’s like “go the fuck away, I’m not opening the door for you.” (if you want to read the whole thing, it’s at the bottom of the post. It will help)

I have three problems with this Gospel:

  1. Who gives a fuck if they’re virgins or not
  2. I thought you’re supposed to be generous. People might forget lamp oil from time to time- shit happens. Help some brothers out, you greedy fucks. Nah, they were like “fuck off, buy your own lamp oil”
  3. Jesus basically told these people to go fuck themselves. They were like “bro, open the door” and he was like “fuck off” I mean for fucks sake, be nice to them. This is a man who’s kind to all kinds of slut whores, and he won’t even open the God Damn door for 10 virgins. Christ, you make no sense.
Anyway, here’s the reading if you happen to give a shit:

Mt 25:1-13

Jesus told his disciples this parable:
“The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins
who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
The foolish ones, when taking their lamps,
brought no oil with them,
but the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps.
Since the bridegroom was long delayed,
they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
At midnight, there was a cry,
‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps.
The foolish ones said to the wise,
‘Give us some of your oil,
for our lamps are going out.’
But the wise ones replied,
‘No, for there may not be enough for us and you.
Go instead to the merchants and buy some for yourselves.’
While they went off to buy it,
the bridegroom came
and those who were ready went into the wedding feast with him.
Then the door was locked.
Afterwards the other virgins came and said,
‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’
But he said in reply,
‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’
Therefore, stay awake,
for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

Kombucha Sounds Like A Pussy Ass Drink to Me

Lifehacker -Kombuchahas grown in popularity over the past few years around the same time as kefir and probiotically-augmented yogurts. Like yogurt, kefir, and sourdough bread it requires a starter culture which is added to black or green sweetened tea. The result is a tart, fizzy drink (0.5% ABV) that tastes a little like apple cider and is touted by many for health benefits.


This is a bitch ass drink for health freaks.I’m not going to waste time fermenting green tea with bacteria that is turns out to have like .5% alcohol by volume. How are you supposed to get hammered off that shit? I’d have to drink like 15 gallons, then I’d get sick because of a full stomach.

“But Joe, it has probiotics and good bacteria that is really good for your stomach and digestion.” F that noise. Want good bacteria? Eat yogurt.

Wanna know what works better? Take some green tea, then pour gin or vodka in it. Repeat like 8 times. Enjoy.

My Host Is a Piece of Shit

Every night from 1AM to 6AM, they do backups which completely destroy the server I’m using. I complain about it 5 times a week and they’re like “oh it ran out of memory” “oh it was the backup” “oh we made changes so it won’t happen again”

Bullshit. Every fucking night at 1AM, my website becomes useless.They’re lucky I’m too lazy to switch to another host right now. I really would like a RackSpace cloud 512MB or 1GB instance, but that shit costs too much.

Words With Friends Can Suck It So Hard…

I had enough of this game. It’s no longer fun on the grounds that Zynga uses a horse shit dictionary. I lose every single game because assholes use words like RHO and MI and JO and NA and ZO and FE. Bitches just add shit to like triple word scores and get like 87 points for the word ZO. And the minute I try to make up dumbass words, it won’t let me use it.

This was my actual game list. When I saw the moves, it enraged the shit out of me.

Google Needs to Get their UI Shit Together

Fuck man… Google is starting to screw the hell up… Anyone see the new Gmail redesign? Looks like shit and a half. It’s buggy too. I legit found crazy UI bugs. Not only are the colors bland as shit, but the buttons are ridiculous and it’s impossible to find anything. Whatever happened to the simple days where everything was blue and nice looking.

Not that I use iOS, but I heard the new Gmail app was a complete flop and they had to pull it because it sucked so bad. They released it half assed and buggy. WOW…

Same with Google Reader… It’s like the UI designer just wanted to remove all colors and shit. They’re basically taking these products and trying to make them look more like Google+ which no one uses anyway…

Get your shit together. Jesus…