Month: July 2010

No one cares that you left your iPhone 4 on your car roof and drove off

GizmodoGizmodo reader Ryan Davis made a mindless mistake we could all make: he left his iPhone 4 on the roof of his car, and drove off. This is his story of how a normal day turned into, well, panic.

Guess what. No one gives a flying fuck. Isn’t it common knowledge that you should never put anything on the roof of your car? Because anytime that people do that, it’s inevitable that the person will forget about it and drive off.

You are a moron and it’s a shame your phone survived. Plus, you were two hours late for work. I hope you got fired. There are other people out there who need jobs.

I want to read tech news. Not action stories about how you recovered your iPhone.

The Pope is an Asshole

SFGate – The Vatican on Monday issued an unprecedented rebuke of a top cardinal who had accused the retired Vatican No. 2 of blocking clerical sex abuse investigations, publicly dressing down a man who had been praised for his criticism of church abuse cover-ups.

The silencing of Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, the archbishop of Vienna and long considered a papal contender, drew heated criticism from clerical abuse victims. They said the Vatican should be honoring Schoenborn, not publicly humiliating him, for his calls for greater transparency and demands for a crackdown on priests who rape and sodomize children.

So you get a Cardinal trying to do the right thing and make sure that priests who abuse children don’t just get shuffled around and the Pope’s like “nah shut the fuck up and let’s just keep doing what we do.” All of a sudden a Cardinal makes sense and the Pope pretty much crushes his ass. You suck, pope!

See, I have a huge problem with this type of shit. The Church has been fucked in the head for centuries and the clergy just gets worse and worse.

This is Why I Hate Summer

Screenshot on my left is my biggest horror of summer. It was just in the 70s for the past two days with no humidity and it was glorious. Now we’re about to enter a never ending 90+ heatwave. Unless I’m on vacation on the beach or at a pool, there is no reason for it to be that hot.

Fuck summer. Fuck the heat. Give me cold. Give me snow. I’m moving to Canada or Alaska.

See people don’t understand: if you’re cold, you can always snuggle, put on a sweatshirt, blankets, layers etc and be cozy. If its 90, you’re screwed unless you have an AC.

Is it fall yet?

The Yankee Bullpen Can Suck It

Except for Mo, because he’s a legend. Fuck Joba.Way to come in and spoil Burnett’s shutout through 6 2/3. I mean the guy finally got over his problems and threw a gem and can’t even get the win because some over-hyped drunk driving Indian from Nebraska was good for two weeks then started pitching like a shithead. Joba has been shit lately. Then you get Robertson who’s good for a run or two. And most importantly, fuck Chan Ho Park. He has diarrhea and can’t get a man out. Comes in, walks the bases loaded, strikes a guy out like a tease, then gives up a double. Seriously – every day the Yankees bullpen just throws games away.

Oh and FUCK the entire offense who can’t score runs off of shit teams like the Mariners and Blue Jays.

Thanks for wasting my afternoon. I was going to go bike riding, but held of to watch these fucking assholes lose in 11 innings. I’m still going biking. But now I’m pissed.

Love the Random Text Exchanges that Never End

Keith, you sir are the man. This isn’t our first time we have been on a never ending text message exchange. The previous one involved variations of the surname O’Kane.

If you don’t know where that’s from, you haven’t lived.

PS – I love being able to take screenshots of my phone. You need the Android SDK though, it’s kind of a bitch to set up.