Category: Rants

This East Side Access Project Sounds Shitty to Me…

MTA -Two separate machines that are excavating tunnels and caverns in the bedrock under Manhattan are on schedule to complete their work this May. After the completion of the overall project in 2016, LIRR trains traveling through Sunnyside will be able to travel directly to Grand Central Terminal.Commuters throughout Long Island and Queens will have more service to Manhattan and shorter travel times to the East Sidemaking these communities even more attractive places to live, increasing housing values, and unlocking the next wave of economic development potential on Long Island.East Side Access will reduce commuting times by as much as 40 minutes a day for about 160,000 customers who currently travel to Penn Station and then must take a subway, bus or walk to the East Side. It will also reduce passenger crowding levels at Penn Station and thereby enable Metro-North trains to access Penn Station for the first time.

FUUUUUUCK THAT. Fucking MTA. Fucking Long Island. We don’t need these fuckers from Penn Station sending trains into Grand Central directly from Long Island. You know what that’s going to do? Clogging up Grand Central worse that I clogged the fucking toilet in my townhouse senior year. We all know Grand Central + Westchester is legit and Penn + Strong Island is a shithole. I don’t need trains connecting the two. Place is already amobbedmadhouse and impossible to get through and now we’re going to add 160,000 more people. FUCK. THAT. Use your heads.Terribleidea.

The MTA Can Suck It

Good Service my fucking ass

I get down to the platform to hop on the 6 at Grand Central this morning and I’m standing there for 10 minutes waiting for a train to show up. usually there’s a train every 2 minutes. Meanwhile like 8 express trains go by on the other track.

So finally, a 6 train appears and no one is getting on. Why? It’s skipping like 4 stops and it’s an express to 14th st. Fuuuuck that noise. If I would have known that, I would have not waited 10 minutes and just taken an express train and gotten off in the same spot to begin with. What is the point of it. It just passed 4 stops for no reason. Just strolled through the stations when it could have obviously stopped.

I wouldn’t mind walking an extra 7-8 blocks if it was 70 degrees and sunny, but don’t pull this shit in 37 degree rain. I was soaked. I guess this is how they treat people who fork over more money per month than a fucking car payment only to ride their broken down assed trains on filthy platforms.

Fucking MTA.

I’m Sick and Tired Of This Blog Being Slow. My Host Can Suck It So Hard.

I apologize to my 3 readers that this blog is slow. My host doesn’t give two shits about keeping server load down on a shared server, so I monitor it myself and send them snarky emails whenever the site runs like ass. They then proceed to fix it for about 5 minutes and it’s right back to shit. The excuse this time? “We’re replacing a backup drive and backups are running, along with the usual load.”

These load averages should be under 2 for optimal performance, and anything over 5 is shitty and causes lag. My stats show red consistently for two days straight. I’m about to drop the extra cash on a cloud server. I get a virtual instance of a server with just ME using it. With root. Shit would be legit. But for the 3 people that actually visit, it’s not worth spending 10x more.

Bro Watching TV on his iPad2 Needs to Get Out of My Way While Walking

WSJ -Researchers say the concept of “sidewalk rage” is real. One scientist has even developed a Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome Scale to map out how people express their fury. At its most extreme, sidewalk rage can signal a psychiatric condition known as “intermittent explosive disorder,” researchers say. On Facebook, there’s a group called “I Secretly Want to Punch Slow Walking People in the Back of the Head” that boasts nearly 15,000 members.

Fucking shrinks, making up nonsensical disorders such as “intermittent explosive disorder” trying to make more money treating you for stuff that isn’t even real. Is it in the DSM IV? Doubtful. But it will be added soon. You know what is real? Shitheads who get in my way when I have somewhere to go. I HATE slow walkers. If you walk slow, fine. So be it. But just do it in a place where I don’t get stuck behind you. Because then I rage. I have things to do, places to go. I don’t have time to dawdle.

Like today walking off the train, there was this dude just walking with his head glued to his iPad. Obviously, he doesn’t get over to one side and let people pass. He’s over there swaying like a drunk causing a 2mph moving roadblock with this other old decrepit bitch who has no business traveling by train. I need to get by these fuckers because there’s a smokeshow up ahead that I need to go creep on.

Obviously the iPad moron is in his own damn world and oblivious, so I can’t be polite and say excuse me (which I would have had no problem doing). The other woman was deaf. So the only solution? Get all up in their grill. Just walked right on top of their asses and start grinding. Make them uncomfortable. Pretty sure the guy watching the video had no clue but the other old bitch mumbled something under her breath and finally let me pass. Welp, she got the point at least.

I always put my iPod/music/phone etc away when I’m walking because I don’t want to be that guy. Situational awareness is important. Don’t get in people’s way and pay attention to the environment. It can save your life – either you won’t get run over by a car or someone with sidewalk rage won’t beat you up).

Fucking AT&T Started Popping Caps In Your Ass

Giz -Citing an official confirmation from AT&T rep Seth Bloom, DSLReports is, well,reporting that AT&T will pull the trigger on data caps on heavy users of its U-Verse and DSL offerings, starting May 2.DSL users will receive a 150GB cap, while U-verse users will receive a 250GB cap, with penalties imposed after a customer exceeds the limits three times or more. The penalty’s price? $10 per 50GB over the limit.

No this isn’t AT&T wireless. This is landline internet.No I don’t have AT&T for internet service. I’m lucky enough to be in a Verizon FiOS area. But this sucks because once one ISP pulls this, everyone else will follow. Pretty sure I don’t use more than 40 gigs per month, but still – it’s the principle. Bitch ass trick.